# 2724
Every 6 to 12 months I put together a listing of pandemic and emergency preparedness videos available to view or download from the Internet. As you might imagine, sometimes some of these videos move to new locations, or are removed from the Internet - so if something interests you, you ought to view it as soon as you can.
The list is getting longer, particularly since the HHS has produced a series of 9 (roughly) hour-long pandemic related videos over the past year, and since FEMA now has a channel on Youtube.
You can, of course, simply go to Youtube or Google Video, type in a search phrase like `Pandemic' or `Bird Flu', or even `H5N1' . . . and you'll get a lot of hits. Many of the videos I will mention will probably show up.
But you'll also get an assortment of other videos. Some will be decent, or at least interesting. Others will try to sell you something (supplements, bogus bird flu `cures', videos, books, etc.), and some promote agendas, like the anti-vaccine movement or conspiracy theories.
As always, no matter what anyone is selling . . .whether it be a product or ideas . . . Caveat Emptor.
The videos I list below present pandemic flu and preparedness issues in ways that I find reasonable and responsible. That's a personal determination on my part, and quite arbitrary.
Your mileage may vary.
Even if a video makes my list, that doesn't mean that I endorse everything said in it. That said, here are some of the best pandemic videos I've found on the net.
From the HHS, and Pandemicflu.gov.
Antiviral Drug Use and Employer Stockpiling (December 17, 2008) – 53 minutes
Secretary Leavitt’s Discussion on Pandemic Planning and Preparedness (October 29, 2008) – 72 minutes
Individual Preparedness (September 25, 2008) - 57 minutes
Home Health Care Agencies Planning (July 8, 2008) - 57 minutes
Workplace Preparation (June 4 2008) - 46 minutes
New Federal guidance for State Pandemic Planning Assessments (April 30, 2008) - 65 minutes
New Federal guidance for State Pandemic Planning Assessments (April 2, 2008) - 76 minutes
New Federal guidance for State Pandemic Planning Assessments (March 13, 2008) 68 minutes
Older Americans Video
(5 minutes) - Flash Format - 20Mb
Ready Pets Video
(5 minutes) - Flash Format - 16MbAmericans with Disabilites
(5 minutes) - Flash Format - 18Mb
Ready America's Instructional Video
(3 minutes) - Flash Format - 12Mb
And From Around the Net.
BUSINESS NOT AS USUAL - Prepared by Public Health Seattle and King County (leaders in pandemic awareness and preparation in the US), this 20 minute video is a free download from the Internet or is available as a free DVD. If you watch just one video . . . make it this one.
The American Red Cross has a video on pandemic flu you can view HERE.
A CONVERSATION WITH JOHN M. BARRY - Historian and author John M. Barry, whose seminal work The Great Influenza: The Epic Story of the Deadliest Plague in History has probably done more to enlighten us on the events of the 1918 Spanish Flu than other book in history, visited MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) last month and participated in a conversation about his book.
Michael Greger, M.D.
Bird Flu: A Virus Of Our Own Hatching - The lecture based on his critically acclaimed book on bird flu, by Michael Greger. MD. An entertaining speaker who deals well with a disturbing subject; factory farming practices that have exacerbated the growth of zoonotic diseases worldwide.
His book is freely available online here, and is highly recommended.
Utah Public Service Announcement - Only 30 seconds, but it packs a wallop, this TV spot has been running on local channels in that state for several months.
Larimer County's The Plan - How prepared are you to weather a disaster? Larimer county, Colorado has a particularly proactive health department. This 15 minute video gives a good intro into planning to deal with a pandemic. Check out the other videos on this page. Broadband and dialup speeds are supported.
Countdown To Crisis- Hosted by First Responder Products, this film takes a hard look at Arizona's pandemic planning, and their annual Coyote Crisis drill. I first plied my skills as a paramedic in Scottsdale Arizona, so I'm heartened to see how seriously they are taking this threat.
Is the Bird Flu Threat Still Real? - A roundtable discussion presented by the Council on Foreign Relations with Bruce Gellin, Michael Osterholm, and Laurie Garrett.
And last, but not least, the BBC's Horizon documentary/ docudrama presentation from the summer of 2007 called PANDEMIC.
This 90 minute video is available again (no telling for how long) divided into 3 30-minute segments on the video sharing site GUBA. This presentation includes segments with such notable scientists as Dr. John Oxford and Greg Poland.