Tuesday, May 26, 2009

NYC Announces 2 More Swine Flu Related Deaths



# 3260



As we’ve discussed many times in the past, even though the H1N1 `swine flu’ virus is relatively mild, it is certainly capable of causing severe illness and even death.


Sadly, today we learn about two more deaths in the New York City area that are related to the H1N1 virus, bringing their official total to 4.  




Two more New Yorkers with swine flu die; underlying conditions may have been a factor

BY Carrie Melago

Tuesday, May 26th 2009, 2:58 PM


Two more New Yorkers infected with swine flu have died, health officials announced Tuesday.


It is not yet known if the H1N1 virus caused the latest two deaths - a 41-year-old woman from Queens and a 34-year-old man from Brooklyn.


The new cases bring to four the number of New Yorkers who have died after catching swine flu, said city health commissioner Thomas Frieden said.


"Until the medical examiner's report comes out, we won't know what else was going on," Frieden said at a news conference.


"It is possible or likely that it [H1N1] may have contributed."