Monday, March 23, 2015

OIE Notification: H5N8 In Sweden

Sweden In Relation to Europe


# 9855



In a follow up to Friday’s report (see Stockholm: Two Dead Swans – H5N8 Suspected), we have the official OIE Notification, which indicates the two swans were found in different locations, roughly 5km apart. 





Source of the outbreak(s) or origin of infection

  • Unknown or inconclusive

Epidemiological comments

Ten mute swans found dead in central Stockholm (two batches of five swans each) were post-mortem examined and tested for avian influenza virus as part of routine surveillance. The first five examined were all negative for avian influenza virus and post-mortem exam followed by chemical analysis confirmed lead poisoning. The last five were all positive for influenza A virus (matrix-gene positive). None had macroscopic lesions suggesting highly pathogenic avian influenza infection, whereas macroscopic lesions suggesting possible lead poisoning were found in four, and lesions suggesting traumatic injury found in the fifth.

Two of the birds were positive for H5 and were subsequently typed as highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N8. There are no commercial poultry holdings in the near vicinity. In accordance with the OIE Terrestrial Animal Health Code, Article 10.4.1, point 8, this outbreak does not change the disease free status of Sweden as the birds involved in this outbreak are wild mute swans and do not fall within the OIE definition of poultry.