Sunday, June 19, 2016

Sandman & Lanard On Zika Risk Communications


When it comes to effective risk communications, Dr. Peter Sandman & Dr. Jody Lanard are the A-Team – which is why their services are sought by corporations, organizations, and agencies around the globe – often in the midst of a crisis.
Their website is an invaluable repository of risk management advice, that quite frankly, should be second home for anyone involved in public relations or risk communications.

I’ve featured their writings many times over the past decade, and when they see something amiss, they are never hesitant to point it out.

Yesterday they published a long analysis of the shift in messaging on the threat of Zika to the United States, which began in April of this year. 

I confess I started to become uncomfortable with the tone of some Zika messaging a couple of months ago, and have instead tried to focus my coverage on `hard news', like research and epidemiological statements. 

While their piece is likely to ruffle a few political feathers, it is also a `must read'.  There's simply too much here to excerpt, so I'll just ask you to follow the link to read it.

Zika Risk in U.S. States:
Widespread or Limited?
The White House Hijacks a Key CDC Message to Attack Republicans; Public Health Officials and Reporters
Mostly Go Along