Tuesday, November 08, 2016

Austria Also Reporting H5N8


No sooner than I'd posted my last blog on Germany's confirmation of H5N8 at Great Plön Lake when Sharon Sanders at FluTrackers sent me the following link on the detection of H5N8 in Austria, very near the borders with Liechtenstein, Germany and Switzerland.

Of note, in addition to listing other recent outbreaks in Hungary, Poland and Germany, this press release mentions Croatia as well.   I've not found anything official on that, but will keep looking.

This statement from Austria's BMGF (Federal Ministry for Health and Women).

press report
detected bird flu cases on Lake Constance in Vorarlberg: MoH
08.11.2016 17:31 - Wien (BMGF) 

In Vorarlberg (avian influenza) of subtype H5N8 was detected in five wild birds avian flu. The dead wild birds - mainly tufted ducks - had been found over the weekend closest to the Austrian part of Lake Constance. The five wild birds is four tufted ducks and Pochard. So far there is no evidence that the virus strain found (H5N8) is transmitted to humans. ****

The investigations carried out by the National Reference Laboratory of AGES (Agency for Health and Food Safety). However, they are not yet complete. Currently, it examines whether the virus is a high or low pathogenic type (high or low sickening) concerns. Only when these results are available - in all probability will be the day after tomorrow, Wednesday, the case - it can be said that action must be taken.

Zwtl .: Close coordination with authorities in Germany and Switzerland

Since the weekend were around Lake Constance, in neighboring Germany and Switzerland, more than 100 dead waterfowl - especially tufted ducks - discovered. Also from Poland, Hungary, Croatia and Schleswig-Holstein this week have been reported cases of avian influenza of subtype H5N8. In Hungary, a company with turkeys of the avian influenza is concerned. The currently heaped finding this disease is likely to have to do with the train of wild birds south.

The highest priority is now to prevent the spread of that disease in domestic poultry flock. Therefore, experts of MoH, the State of Vorarlberg and the AGES are currently working to determine measures to be taken. This can range from the establishment of a "protection zone" around the shores of Lake Constance to stabling commandments of poultry (ie exclusive stabling). Since Austria's neighboring countries Germany and Switzerland are concerned, this is done in close coordination with the competent authorities.

Due to the accumulation of confirmed cases in Europe increased attention is mounted outside the currently affected area around Lake Constance. Poultry keepers, especially near to free waters is drawn to the risk situation and it is strongly recommended to ensure the general hygienic measures.

As new knowledge and decisions for measures are met, the Ministry of Health will inform the public again. (Final)

Contact: Federal Ministry for Health and Women Philipp Lindner, BA Spokesman +43 1 71100 644 511 philipp.lindner@bmgf.gv.at www.bmgf.gv.at Facebook: www.bmgf.gv.at/facebook For technical information: AGES - Austrian Agency for Health and food safety Department risk communication +43 (0) 50555-25000 presse@ages.at http://www.ages.at
Digital Press Kit: http://www.ots.at/pressemappe/52/aom
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