Friday, November 11, 2016

Austria: H5N8 Confirmed In Poultry (Turkeys)

Vorarlberg Austria - Credit Wikipedia


Austria is now reporting the H5N8 virus has been confirmed in a flock of free-range turkeys in Vorarlberg, Austria's westernmost federal state, which borders Lake Constance.

This is the second European Turkey operation to be hit in the past week, the first involving 9,000 birds in Hungary.  This report from

The reported on Thursday suspected case has been confirmed. For consumers, there is, according to the Ministry of Health no risk.


The reported on Thursday suspected case of bird flu in poultry has hardens. For the Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES) sent samples from a Vorarlberg operation on Lake Constance the highly contagious H5N8 virus was detected, the Health Ministry said on Friday. The entire stock of Geflügelzüchters will be culled.
The free-range turkey growing operation on Lake Constance, which is in close proximity from the locality tested positive to bird flu virus Wild birds, was immediately blocked by the official veterinarian. The animals of the poultry holdings are now culled humanely, animal carcasses shall be destroyed and the operation then cleaned and disinfected. For consumers there was no danger, it was again the Ministry of Health. So far there is no evidence that the subtype H5N8 is dangerous to humans.

Protection zone around operating

To the affected holding, a protection zone with a radius of at least three kilometers and a surveillance zone with a minimum radius of ten kilometers now be removed. Within the protection zone all poultry producing farms are examined by official veterinarians. 
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