Thursday, March 28, 2019

Japan MAFF: 3rd Classical Swine Fever Outbreak in Less Than A Week


We've been watching the slow spread of Classical Swine Fever (CSF) across central Japan since last September, with just 6 farms affected in the second half of 2018.  In January a 7th farm was affected, followed in February by 3 more.
Today Japans Ministry of Agriculture (MAFF) announces the 4th farm outbreak of March, and the third report of the past 5 days.  As with yesterday's report, today's outbreak is in Aichi Prefecture.
While similar in appearance to African Swine Fever - which recently arrived in China and Vietnam - and both are capable of causing devastating losses in pig herds, neither is considered a human health threat.

We've two reports from MAFF this morning. First, the initial notification on the 14th farm, followed by a second report ordering the quarantining of several adjacent farms following the discovery of their joint sharing of facilities (`composting house, composting facility and carcass storage facility') with the infected farm.

Confirmation of affected animals of swine fever in Aichi Prefecture, about (14 domestic case was)

2019 March 28,
the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Today, pig cholera affected animal has been confirmed in pig farm in Aichi Prefecture, Tahara.
We are taken all possible measures for the quarantine measures for the disease.
The farm has to refrain from the movement of breeding pigs from the time the suspicion of swine fever has occurred.
Interview in the field, thank you for your cooperation as strictly refrain from such that there is a risk that cause the spread of the disease. 
1. Overview of the occurrence farm

Location: Aichi Prefecture Tahara
breeding situation: 1,647 head

2. Background
(1) Aichi Prefecture, March 27 (Wednesday), from the farm, received a report of a breeding pig has exhibited abnormal, we conducted a site inspection by animal health inspectors.
(2) the same day, because the suspicion of swine fever is caused by the inspection at the Livestock Hygiene Service Center, where to send the material to Noken mechanism Animal Health Research Institute (Note), was carried out precision inspection, today (March 28 Thursday), was found to be an affected animal of swine fever.
(Note) specialized research institutions on the only animal health in Japan
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About conduct of additional epidemic prevention measures pertaining to swine fever (14 domestic cases) which occurred in Aichi prefecture

March 28, 2019
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

Aichi Prefecture will carry out additional epidemic prevention measures at epidemiologically related farms on today's (Thursday, March 28) pig cholera (14 cases in Japan) that has occurred at a pig farming farm in Tahara, Tokyo.
1. Overview of epidemiological farms

Overview: Today (Thursday, March 28), adjacent to a farm in Tahara City, Aichi Prefecture, where the disease has been confirmed for hog cholera (14 cases in Japan), facilities such as compost houses are jointly used 3 farm

Location: Tahara City, Aichi Prefecture
The feeding situation: 5,972
2. Background and future response
(1) Today (Thursday, March 28) There is no clear boundary for each farm in the pig farming area where the pig farm of Tahara City, Aichi Prefecture, where the disease of pig cholera was confirmed, and the work in the center The road is used by 4 farms including outbreak farms, and it is confirmed by the investigation of Aichi Prefecture that the composting house, composting facility and carcass storage facility are jointly used.
(2) For this reason, it is judged that the possibility that the virus has invaded other farms is extremely high through the use of a joint facility or vehicle etc. We decided to take epidemic measures as all the pigs which we raise in each farm in pig farming area as pseudo-affected animals.
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In addition to the 14 farms infected, more than 240 wild boar in two Prefectures (Gifu n=228, Aichi n=13) have been found to be infected with CSF since last September.
Even as Japan attempts to contain their first outbreak of CSF in 26 years, they are keeping a wary eye on the spread of African Swine Fever in nearby China and Vietnam, and are taking steps to try to prevent its import (see Japan MAFF: ASF Virus Detected In Luggage At Hokkaido Airport).