Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Japan MAFF: 13th Farm Affected By Classical Swine Fever - Aichi Prefecture


For the second time in 4 days (see Saturday's report)  Japan's Ministry of Agriculture (MAFF) has announced the detection of Classical Swine Fever (CSF) at a large farm - this time in Aichi Prefecture - and the 13th farm to be struck since the virus re-emerged in neighboring Gifu Prefecture last September. 
While similar in appearance to African Swine Fever, which is currently spreading in China and Vietnam - Classical Swine Fever is caused by a different virus (genus Pestivirus, family Flaviviridae).
Both diseases are highly contagious, and can be economically devastating for pork producers, but neither disease is considered a human health threat.  Unlike ASF, there is a vaccine available for Classical Swine Fever.
Confirmation of affected animals of swine fever in Aichi Prefecture, about (13 domestic case was)
2019, March 27,
the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Today, pig cholera affected animal has been confirmed in pig farm in Seto City, Aichi Prefecture. 
We are taken all possible measures for the quarantine measures for the disease.
The farm has to refrain from the movement of breeding pigs from the time the suspicion of swine fever has occurred. 
Interview in the field, thank you for your cooperation as strictly refrain from such that there is a risk that cause the spread of the disease. 

1. Overview of the occurrence farm

Location: Seto City, Aichi Prefecture
breeding situation: 4,140 head

2. Background
(1) Aichi Prefecture, March 26 (Tuesday), from the farm, received a report of a breeding pig has exhibited abnormal, we conducted a site inspection by animal health inspectors.
(2) the same day, because the suspicion of swine fever is caused by the inspection at the Livestock Hygiene Service Center, where to send the material to Noken mechanism Animal Health Research Institute (Note), was carried out precision inspection, today (March 27 Wednesday), was found to be an affected animal of swine fever.

(Note) specialized research institutions on the only animal health in Japan

3. of future correspondence

On the basis of the "specific livestock epidemic quarantine guidelines for classical swine fever", and taken all possible measures for the following quarantine measures, and the like.
(1) The farm breeding pigs slaughtered and baked burial, and carried quickly and accurately quarantine measures necessary for setting of the movement restriction zone.
(2) for the farm of movement restricted area, it will be carried out as soon as possible occurrence status check inspection.
(3) Since the spread of infection prevention, strengthening the disinfection of peripheral generation farm, we set up a disinfection point to the main road.
(4) for the investigation of such infection route, and dispatch the epidemiological investigation team of the country.
(5) aims to ensure the early detection and early notification of the disease.
(6) strive to relevant ministries and sufficient cooperation, producer, consumer, we will endeavor to provide accurate information to the distributors and the like.
(7) thorough guidance on compliance with the Standards of Rearing Hygiene Management of intrusion prevention, etc. to the farm disinfection and wild animals of the farm.
(8) In order to investigate and prevent the spread of such infection route, it will assume all the possibilities investigation.

4. Other

(1) pig cholera, swine, is a disease of wild boar, it does not infect humans. In addition, it does not meat of infected pigs on the market.
(2) the farm, you have to refrain from the movement of breeding pigs from the time the suspicion of swine fever has occurred.
(3) interview in the field, that there is a risk that cause the spread of the disease, thank you for your cooperation as strictly refrain from such that there is a risk of infringing the privacy of the people of the farmers. In particular, for coverage of using a helicopter that might interfere with the epidemic prevention work, thank you so strictly avoided.
(4) in the future, so we will endeavor to provide quick and accurate information, so as not to be confused by such relations of production and consumers, such as who is unfounded rumor, thank you for your cooperation.

The most recent OIE Notification (#21) - published yesterday - added Saturday's farm outbreak in Gifu Prefecture plus a dozen new reports of infected wild boar.   Their epidemiological summary follows:
1. The 12th affected farm (Yamagata city in Gifu, 22/03/2019) On the 22th of March, some pigs were found to have a low appetite and this was reported to the Gifu Central Livestock Hygiene Service Centre (LHSC). Official veterinarians of the LHSC immediately visited the farm to conduct a clinical inspection and blood sampling. The samples were tested for classical swine fever (CSF) virus by RT-PCR at the LHSC. The samples were found to be positive on the 23rd of March. Stamping out and disinfection of contaminated materials, tools and facilities were completed on the 26th of March. 

 2. The 9th affected farm (Tahara city in Aichi, 13/02/2019) Removal of shipment restriction zone (SRZ) and movement restriction zone (MRZ): On 00:00 of 17th of March, shipment restrictions, which were established within a 3-10 km radius of the affected farm, were lifted as 17 days have passed after the completion of full implementation of control measures (stamping out, disinfection etc.) at the 9th affected farm. On 00:00 of 25th March, movement restrictions, which were established within a 3km radius of the affected farm, were lifted as 28 days have passed after the completion of full implementation of control measures (stamping out, disinfection etc.) at the 9th affected farm.
3. The 10th affected farm (Mizunami city in Gifu, 18/02/2019) Removal of movement restriction zone (MRZ): On 00:00 of 24th March, movement restrictions, which were established within a 3km radius of the affected farm, were lifted as 28 days have passed after the completion of full implementation of control measures (stamping out, disinfection etc.) at the 10th affected farm.
4. Summary of the wild boar surveillance As of the 25th of March, 890 wild boars (130 dead and 760 captured) in Gifu prefecture have been tested and 228 (83 dead and 145 captured) were found to be positive for CSF virus (CSFV) by RT-PCR since 13th of September. 140 wild boars (16 dead and 124 captured) in Aichi prefecture have been tested and 13 were found to be positive (2 dead and 11 captured) for CSFV by RT-PCR since 14th of September. Among the other prefectures, 255 wild boars (232 dead and 23 captured) in 40 prefectures were tested and all were found to be negative for CSFV by RT-PCR since the 14th of September.
Until last September, Japan had been one of only 35 countries (see map below) that has been certified by the OIE as being free of the disease with their last outbreak reported in the early 1990s.

 With Japan's recent suspension, that number now stands at 34.