Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Indonesia: `Runaway’ Patients Asked To Return


# 2987



Yesterday we learned of two patients who apparently left the isolation unit at Hasan Sadikin hospital (RSHS) in Bandung, West Java without authorization.   



We were told that the hospital was unconcerned – and would not attempt to retrieve the patients - since they `tested negative’.


As I pointed out yesterday, exactly what type of `negative test’ was involved wasn’t stated.


Today, we learn that the `negative test’ was one conducted in the hospital lab – not the national laboratory – and that the hospital is trying to get both patients to return to isolation.


According to the hospital spokesperson, the pair `didn’t escape’ – they just left isolation and returned home without telling anyone. 


Proving, I guess, that public relations work is the same the world around.



This update from the Bird Flu Information Corner.




Bandung, West Java ::: Patients asked to return to hospital

Bandung, West Java ::: Patients asked to return to hospital

Bandung, West Java – Two bird flu suspect patients, AM (26) and Fai (14 month) residents of Desa/ Kecamatan Cipatat,Kabupaten Bandung Barat (KBB) were reported escaped from bird flu installation unit (flamboyant room) Hasan Sadikin hospital (RSHS).


“They didn’t escape, but insisted to return home without hospital recommendation. It was lunch hour for the officers and paramedics. Maybe they used that moment to return home”, said Cissy RS Prawira Kartasasmita, director of RSHS. Cissy also mentioned that the patients had been tested negative by hospital laboratory. “But hospital with help from local health service will observe their condition”, state Cissy.


Usually patient, who insisted to return home before the end of recommended term, will report to the officer-on-duty, but they didn’t. Guard also didn’t know that patients had left the room. Flamboyan room is guarded by an officer but the entrance is not locked.


This incidence is the first time happened in RSHS. “We will enhance the security; in particular doors and windows also add number of officers”, said Cissy.


Meanwhile, AM and Fai are known staying at AM’s parents in-laws’s house Kampung Cikokosan RT 01/06, Desa/Kecamatan Cipatat, KBB.


Chieftain of Desa Cipatat, Darya Sugangga said they’re trying to convince AM to return to hospital. Darya worried if their condition got worsen, especially Fai. Confirmation about the status of these patients also hasn’t been issued, whether positive or negative. Desa Cipatat authorities will take them back to hospital today.



We’ve seen several other cases of bird flu suspect patients fleeing the hospital in Indonesia.   The survival rate among those hospitalized is only about 20%, and many people distrust `modern medicine’.  


Whether this pair actually has the H5N1 virus, and poses a threat to their families and the greater community, is unknown right now.   A negative local test is a fair indication they aren’t infected, but is not officially accepted.


The decision to return them to the hospital may be based as much on public relations (and calming a jittery public) as it is public health concerns.  


I expect we’ll get an update on this story in the next 24 hours, and hopefully some test results soon.