Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Watching Egypt Again



# 5124



On Sunday (see Egypt Reports Bird Flu Fatality) we saw a terse report from KUNA announcing Egypt’s 113th H5N1 infection, and 37th fatality.  


The patient was identified as a 30 year-old woman from the `western province’ which probably refers to Al-Gharbiyah (h/t Laidback Al).


Today newshounds on FluTrackers are following another report, this time of a 30 year-old male from Al Daqahliyah, that has reportedly died from the H5N1 virus.


We’ve only one Arabic news article at this time, and since Al-Gharbiyah and Al Daquahliyah are adjacent to each other, and both cases are listed as 30 years old, there is always the possibility that these cases are one-in-the-same.


Still, there are enough differences in these reports (including location, gender, and date of death) to make one suspect these may be two separate cases.


The report (h/t Twall) comes from Youm7, a normally reliable Arabic news source. The story references 5 others – presumably contacts of the fatal case – who are being tested for the virus.


The case of the death of bird flu in Dakahlia and suspected in 5 others

Tuesday, December 7, 2010 - 16:17

Dakahlia - Sheriff El-Deeb

At the citizen Amr Maghazi (30 years) was killed yesterday evening, al-Sadr hospital in Zagazig wounds sustained bird flu virus.

Maghazi was dead center of immersion Daqhlieh, has been detained as soon as the symptoms of the disease.


Have been detained in 5 cases of suspected bird flu patients in hospitals after the emergence of Dakahlia introduce the virus to them, where they detained two of the city infected with the virus Talkha, in addition to a state hospital and other Belkas Bhmyat Mansoura and the status of the village of Cbrahor.


Samples were taken from cases infected with HIV Bmshat of the throat, and sent to central laboratories to make sure of being infected with the virus or not.

(Continue . .. )


You can follow additional reports on this case on this thread from FluTrackers.  When we get something a little more definitive, I’ll report back here.