Monday, January 28, 2013

VOA News On 4th Cambodian H5N1 Case



# 6889


A second reliable news source, the  Voice of America, corroborates the report of the 4th Cambodian H5N1 case in recent weeks, which I blogged about earlier this morning (see Irin News: Reporting 4th Cambodian H5N1 Case for details).


This from the VOA.



New Bird Flu Case Raises Fears in Cambodia

Robert Carmichael

January 28, 2013

PHNOM PENH — Two Cambodians have already died from bird flu in 2013, making a worrying start to the year.


Now a two-year-old Cambodian girl is in a serious condition in Phnom Penh after being hospitalized with the H5N1 virus, also known as avian, or bird, flu.


Sonny Inbaraj Krishnan, the communications officer for the World Health Organization in Phnom Penh, says the development has health professionals concerned.

“This is the fourth case this month of human influenza H5N1," Krishnan said. "Last year we had three cases, so within one month in the new year we've got four cases, and we're quite concerned about that.”


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