Friday, April 05, 2013

CDC Teleconference On H7N9




# 7082


The CDC has just completed a teleconference with Director Thomas Frieden and Influenza Epidemiologist Joe Bresee, where they described some of the precautionary steps they are taking in light of the events in China.


A full transcript will be posted later today on the CDC’s Media Relations Webpage but the major points made were:

  • There have been no cases reported outside of China.
  • There is no indication at this time of sustained or efficient Human-to-Human transmission of this virus, although a couple of possible `family clusters’ are being investigated.
  • Most of the cases reported in China appear to have had some kind of exposure to poultry or pigeons, and none of the 16 cases indentified to date have any epidemiological links.
  • Out of more than 100 contacts being followed, none have developed symptoms of infection.
  • The source, and mode of transmission of this virus is still under investigation.
  • The CDC, as a precautionary measure, is taking preliminary steps to create a `seed vaccine’, in case one is needed in the future.
  • The CDC issued a HAN Alert today
  • If this virus should develop the ability to spread from human to human, it is unlikely that there would be any significant community immunity to this type of flu, as H7s (or N9s) have never been known to circulate in humans.
  • There are no travel advisories at this time, but people are advised to avoid live-bird markets and other exposure to poultry when visiting Asia.
  • The CDC maintains an office in China and is in direct contact with China’s CDC. 

The CDC reassures that while they are watching developments in China carefully, Americans need not do anything at this time in response to this emerging virus.


The CDC HAN Health Advisory for Physicians and Health Care Providers may be accessed at the link below:


Human Infections with Novel Influenza A (H7N9) Viruses