Credit National Press Club
# 7746
CDC Director Dr. Thomas R. Frieden will appear today at the National Press Club in Washington D.C. to give a timely talk about the major health issues facing the world today – in particular focusing on emerging pathogens that can rapidly spread globally – in a talk called `The Cough Heard Round The World’.
While no one is making any predictions for this fall and winter, the emergence of a new avian influenza (H7N9) in China, along with a steady flow of MERS-CoV reports from the Middle East, has public health officials on increased alert.
These are not the only `pandemic contenders’, of course. H5N1 continues to circulate, we’ve been watching several variant swine influenzas over the past couple of years, and there’s always the possibility of having something come out of left field; Virus X . . . the one that isn’t on our radar, yet.
And there are other pathogenic travelers, that while unlikely to produce large epidemics, can spread to new regions and cause serious public health concerns. Like dengue, Malaria, Chikungunya, Cholera, SFTS, CCHF, Lassa Fever, Ebola . . . . the list is long, and growing.
Dr. Frieden’s talk, and a Q&A afterward, will be webcast live today. Details are available from the following press release and from the National Press Club. This event will be webcast starting at 12:50 pm, September 10, 2013 — live video at this link.
CDC Director to speak on the state of nation’s health security at the National Press Club
“The Cough Heard ‘Round the World”
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Dr. Tom Frieden will speak on the state of our nation’s health security at the National Press Club’s Luncheon on Tuesday, September 10, 2013. Dr. Frieden’s talk, The Cough Heard ‘Round the World, will identify imminent dangers to our health security – superbugs, disasters, and leading causes of death – and the strategies the nation’s health protection agency can use to thwart them.
A Q&A session will follow his remarks. Questions may be submitted for Dr. Frieden by emailing the National Press Club president ( with the subject line FRIEDEN) before 10:00 a.m. (ET) on September 10th.
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
1:00 p.m. (ET)Where
National Press Club
529 14th Street NW
Washington, DC 20045Dr. Frieden’s remarks will also be broadcast live at 1:00 p.m. (ET) on the National Press Club’s website (
). For more information about the event, click here