# 8483
Dr. Ian Mackay brings not only the expertise of a Virologist to Flublogia, but the eye of a graphic artist as well, as evidenced by a pair of graphics he has posted in the past couple of hours on his VDU blog. The graphic above, showing the steep climb in MERS cases this month, comes from his latest blog:
MERS-CoV case accumulation chart continues to ascend steeply...
Earlier this morning (my time, late evening his time) Ian put together the following post, and map, on the two exported MERS cases making headlines this morning:
In a surprising pair of temporally related announcements, there has been an imported and fatal case of MERS occurring in a 54-year old man (54M) originally from Johor, Malaysia [1] and a distinct case in a recently returned Filipino male nurse working in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).[2,3,4]
Most of us in Flublogia would agree that Ian is the best thing to happen to our little niche of the Internet in quite a long time. If you don’t already have his VDU BLOG on your list of sites to hit every day, you really should add it.