Tuesday, August 19, 2014

NPPTL N95 Day Webinar: Respirator Preparedness in Healthcare



# 8973



A follow up to yesterday’s post (CDC Guidance: Donning & Removing PPEs), two weeks from this coming Friday (Sept 5th), NIOSH and NPPTL (The National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory) will hold a webinar designed for Health care workers on Respirator Preparedness as part of their annual  N95 day promotion.


For details on how to register (attendance is limited), and for more on other N95 day activities, here are some excerpts from the N95 day webpage:


Coming Soon! The NIOSH-Approved Holiday, N95 Day!

N95 Day is a time to recognize the importance of respiratory protection in the workplace and familiarize yourself with the resources available to help you make educated decisions when selecting and wearing a respirator.

NIOSH Twitter Chat

NIOSH respiratory protection experts are practicing their words per minute typing speed! This forum is an opportunity to ask all your N95 respirator questions. @NIOSH and @NPPTL will focus on best practices when using N95 respirators. This is a non-industry specific chat, so we hope to hear from representatives across all types of N95-using workplaces.

Join us at 2:00 p.m. EST. We will be using the hashtag: #N95Chat for this Twitter chat. The best way to tune into this chat is by typing #N95Chat into your Twitter search box. Leading the discussion will be the Director of the NIOSH National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory, Dr. Maryann D’Alessandro.


This year, the NIOSH National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory, the Total Worker Health group, and the Health Effects Laboratory Division are teaming up to focus on an important message that every N95 user and respiratory protection program administrator should always keep in mind– respirator preparedness is about proper practices every day. This N95 Day webinar will focus specifically on the healthcare industry. A panel of three NIOSH experts will talk about their individual research involving N95 respirators and how that research is important to respiratory protection programs and, ultimately, the N95 users in healthcare.

For more detailed information and to register, go to our N95 Day 2014 Webinar page: Respirator Preparedness in Healthcare: Where Technology Meets Good Practices

As a refresher, check out the N95 Day articles on the NIOSH Blog from the last two years. These blog posts highlight the spirit of the day, encouraging users everywhere to familiarize themselves with the N95 literature and guidelines available from NIOSH:

N95 Day 2012: http://blogs.cdc.gov/niosh-science-blog/2012/09/05/n95day/

N95 Day 2013: http://blogs.cdc.gov/niosh-science-blog/2013/09/05/n95-day-2013/

We hope respirator users will look forward to the festivities as we tout our N95 resources through the channels of Facebook, Twitter, and the NIOSH blog once again. To take part in the day, mark N95 Day on your calendar for September 5th and keep an eye on your social media.

Follow us @NPPTL and @NIOSH on twitter (#N95Day) and as well as on the NIOSH facebook page.



As September is also National Preparedness Month, it is worth mentioning that having a box of N95 respirators tucked away in you disaster kit isn’t such a bad idea.


Of course, having a stash of N95s isn’t enough. You need to be fit tested, and learn how to don them, and take them off (see Survival Of The Fit-tested).


For more on the differences between N95 and surgical masks, particularly when dealing with infectious diseases, you may wish to look a a blog I wrote last summer,  called The Great Mask Debate Revisited.