Monday, May 25, 2015

Saudi MOH Announces 1 New MERS Case In Hafuf (Plus 2 Fatalities)



# 10,087


The cluster of MERS cases in Hafuf (aka `Hafoof’, `Hafouf’,`Hufof;) over the past month has risen to 11.  The index case – described by the WHO as:


A 61-year-old male from Hafouf city developed symptoms on 16 April and was admitted to hospital on 18 April. The patient has comorbidities and a history of frequent contact with camels and sheep as well as consumption of raw camel milk.


Since then (starting May 5th) we’ve seen a steady procession of 10 additional cases, all described as `contacts of a previously suspected or confirmed case’, come out of Hafuf.   Some were described as household members, for others the relationship was not specified.



Unfortunately, whatever the specifics are behind this prolonged chain of MERS infections, the Saudis aren’t saying.