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Indiana BOAH |
The USDA's APHIS and the Indiana Board of Animal Health (BOAH) have announced this evening the results of rapid testing of farms around the turkey farm that yesterday was determined to be infected with a new, HPAI H7N8 virus.
Nine additional farms, all located in Dubois county, have tested postive for H7 avian flu. Although likely H7N8, the full subtype should be known in a day or so.
This dashes the hopes, expressed yesterday, that the first farm might be an isolated event, and will undoubtedly lead to even greater testing and surveillance in the region. First a statement from the Indiana BOAH, then the statement from APHIS.
More Cases of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Diagnosed in Indiana
INDIANAPOLIS (16 January 2016)—The Indiana State Board of Animal Health (BOAH) announces nine more commercial turkey farms in Dubois County have tested positive for highly pathogenic avian influenza. This brings the total to 10 commercial turkey operations. Further testing is underway to determine the virus type.
All positive flocks are located within the original control area, and were identified by surveillance testing. New 10 km circles have been drawn, to expand the control area slightly beyond Dubois County into Martin, Orange, Crawford and Davies counties.
Avian influenza does not present a food safety risk; poultry and eggs are safe to eat. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) considers the risk of illness to humans to be very low.
Poultry flocks in the surrounding area are being tested daily for the presence of avian influenza. State and federal agencies are working alongside the poultry operations to minimize the impact and eliminate the disease.
Depopulation activities are underway on most of the sites. Depopulation of the index site was completed this morning. All infected flocks are located in Dubois County, Indiana.
Backyard poultry owners are encouraged to be aware of the signs of avian influenza and report illness and/or death to the USDA Healthy Birds Hotline: 866-536-7593. Callers will be routed to a state or federal veterinarian in Indiana for a case assessment. Dead birds should be double-bagged and refrigerated for possible testing.
Signs include: sudden death without clinical signs; lack of energy or appetite; decreased egg production; soft-shelled or misshapen eggs; swelling or purple discoloration of head, eyelids, comb, hocks;nasal discharge; coughing; sneezing; incoordination; and diarrhea. A great resource for backyard bird health information is online at: www.healthybirds.aphis.usda.gov
Situation updates and status reports about ongoing avian influenza activities, along with critical disease-related information, will be posted online at: www.in.gov/boah/2390.htm . Users may subscribe to email updates on a link at that page.
Additional H7 Avian Influenza Cases Found in Indiana
Cases Found Through Surveillance Testing in Initial Control AreaAndrea McNally (202)799-7033 andrea.c.mcnally@aphis.usda.gov
Lyndsay Cole (970)494-7410 lyndsay.m.cole@aphis.usda.gov
WASHINGTON, January 16, 2016 -- The United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) has confirmed the presence of H7 avian influenza in 9 flocks in southwestern Indiana. These new cases were identified as part of surveillance testing in the control area surrounding the initial highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) case. Testing is currently ongoing at the National Veterinary Services Laboratories in Ames, Iowa to determine the pathogenicity of these new cases.No cases of HPAI H7N8 virus infection have been reported in humans at this time, and no human infections associated with avian influenza A viruses of this particular subtype (i.e., H7N8) have ever been reported. As a reminder, the proper handling and cooking of poultry and eggs to an internal temperature of 165 ˚F kills bacteria and viruses, including HPAI.APHIS continues to work closely with the Indiana State Board of Animal Health on a joint incident response. State officials quarantined the affected premises and depopulation of birds on the affected premises has already begun. Depopulation prevents the spread of the disease. Birds from the flock will not enter the food system.
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