Thursday, November 10, 2016

Denmark: DVFA Investigating Dead Ducks On Moen


Although tests are still pending (we should hear more today), the Danish Government is investigating the deaths of a group of tufted ducks found near Stege on Moen. This is roughly 180 km east and slightly north of where Germany reported H5N8 just two days ago.

Given the growing number of detections of HPAI H5N8 across Europe (including Hungary, Poland, Germany, Croatia) this past week, suspicions are running high whenever dead birds are found.   We are also awaiting word on a similar report from the Netherlands.

Thus far, with the exception of a turkey farm in Hungary, these recent H5N8 detections have been limited to wild and migratory birds. This avian virus subtype has, however, caused hundreds of millions of dollars in poultry losses over the past 3 years in Korea, China, Taiwan, and North America.

This early and broad spread of this HPAI virus will provide a major stress test of the biosecurity measures European poultry operators have implemented from now until the spring. 

There are detected bird flu of the serious type H5N8 in wild birds near the Danish border.

Press release , Published: November 9, 2016 
Bird flu of the serious type H5N8 is spreading in Europe and is later found in wild birds in both the German and the Polish Baltic coast.
The disease is contagious usually not for us humans but is highly contagious among birds and can have major consequences if it spreads to poultry farms. Therefore recommend DVFA that herd owners and backyard poultry owners keep their birds indoors and otherwise follow the recommendations for infection protection .

There are currently not found bird flu in Denmark, but the Food Authority is currently investigating a group of dead tufted ducks found near Stege on Moen.
Discovery of dead birds 
 If you find more d desert birds in the same place, asking DVFA you initially leaving them and immediately contact the Agency at tel. 72 27 69 00.

Facts about bird flu H5N8
  • Avian influenza is transmitted normally not to humans. In rare cases, however, demonstrated disease in people who have had close contact with birds. Read more about the risk of human infection of SSI page Avian flu .
  • If you have touched a dead bird, you should as a precaution, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.
  • The type of bird flu that is now found is of the highly pathogenic type H5N8. This means that it causes high mortality among the birds that are affected.
Facts about biosecurity in poultry farms in order to avoid contact with wild birds you as crew own or backyard poultry owner make sure to comply with the rules for preventive protection against bird flu
You should also:
  • If possible keep poultry indoors or under cover.
  • Changing boots or wash them carefully before entering your poultry.