Monday, February 11, 2019

WHO MERS-CoV Update - Oman


The WHO has published a DON update on the Oman MERS cluster (5 cases, 2 deaths) which differs somewhat from the account provided earlier today by EMRO (see WHO EMRO MERS-CoV Summary - January, 2019).

This morning's EMRO report described the cluster as:
The cluster reported from Oman included 5 young females (age range 30-59) living in the same region. Of these cases, 4 were secondary cases, identified through contact tracing of the 1st case detected on the 24th of January.
Today DON report indicates all five are members of the same family, and live on a farm together It isn't clear, however, whether they live in the same household.

The index case's source of exposure is still under investigation, and while the Oman Ministry of Agriculture confidently announced a week ago that camels in the vicinity had already been tested - and found negative for the virus - today's update indicates tests are still being conducted.

Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) – Oman

Disease outbreak news
11 February 2019

From 27 January and 31 January 2019, the International Health Regulations (IHR) National Focal Point of Oman reported five cases of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) infection.
All five laboratory confirmed cases are females from the same family and range in age from 30-59 years. The source of infection in this cluster is under investigation in Oman and four of the five cases appear to be secondary cases resulting from human-to-human transmission.
While all cases did not report direct contact with dromedary camels, they resided on a farm where dromedary camels and other animals were kept. The Ministry of Agriculture is testing the dromedary camels. Details of these five cases can be found in a separate document (see link below).
MERS-CoV cases reported between 27 January and 31 January 2019 xls, 114kb
Including these five additional cases, a total of 16 laboratory confirmed cases of MERS-CoV infection have been reported by Oman since 2013. Prior to this cluster of cases, the last case of MERS-CoV infection reported from Oman was in March 2018.
MERS-CoV Disease outbreak news 15 March 2018

Globally, as of 8 February 2019, 2 311 laboratory-confirmed cases of infection with MERS-CoV including at least 811 related deaths have been reported to WHO1.

Public Health response

For all cases, investigation of exposure to known risk factors in the 14 days prior to the onset of symptoms is ongoing. Ministry of Health officials in Oman have established a contact list of healthcare worker and familial contacts in North Batinah Governorate.
As of 4 February, a total of 60 familial contacts have been identified, with 26 contacts classified as high-risk. All household members of MERS-CoV cases have been screened for MERS-CoV by RT-PCR and tested negative, except one case reported above, who tested positive on 28 January.
As of 4 February, a total of 119 healthcare worker contacts have been identified. All high-risk healthcare worker contacts have been screened for MERS-CoV by RT-PCR and all have tested negative. All identified contacts are monitored for 14 days from the last date of exposure as per WHO and national guidelines for MERS-CoV infection.
While no direct contact with dromedaries has been reported by any of the cases, they resided on a farm where dromedaries and other animals were kept. The Ministry of Agriculture is investigating the dromedary farms. Samples were collected and initial screening results for have tested negative for MERS-CoV. Further results are pending.
Healthcare workers were educated and provided a refresher training course in infection prevention and control measures. Family members were educated about MERS-CoV and personal and respiratory hygiene advice was provided.

WHO risk assessment

Infection with MERS-CoV can cause severe disease resulting in high mortality. Humans are infected with MERS-CoV from direct or indirect contact with dromedary camels. MERS-CoV has demonstrated the ability to transmit between humans. So far, the observed non-sustained human-to-human transmission has occurred mainly in health care settings.
The notification of additional cases does not change the overall risk assessment. WHO expects that additional cases of MERS-CoV infection will be reported from the Middle East, and that cases will continue to be exported to other countries by individuals who might acquire the infection after exposure to dromedary camels, animal products (for example, consumption of camel’s raw milk), or humans (for example, in a health care setting). WHO continues to monitor the epidemiological situation and conducts risk assessment based on the latest available information.