Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Saudi MOH: Al Khafji MERS Cluster Increases To 12 Cases

Correction:  I apparently need new glasses, as the 2nd of the two secondary cases below is from Al Darb city, not Al Karfji.   Mea culpa.  This appears to be linked to a case reported on April 2nd, involving a (then deceased) 39 year old male.


While the Saudis are being pretty tight lipped about details on their latest MERS cluster - one which began 13 days ago with a single, primary (with camel contact) MERS case (M,75) in Al Khafji, very near the Saudi border with Kuwait - today the MOH reports 2 more secondary cases.

As we've seen consistently for nearly two weeks,  the `Contact with Camels' status is `unknown', a rarely used designation in the past.  Both of today's cases are male, with one aged 32 and the other 42.  
While the venue (hospital, household, etc.) isn't divulged, some (unconfirmed) Arabic media reports have alluded to hospital personnel being infected. 
The Holy month of Ramadan begins in less than a month, when roughly a million religious pilgrims will descend upon the Kingdom, and that may be having some impact on how much information is being disseminated.

Hopefully we'll get more precise details out of the WHO in the days to come.