Tuesday, October 29, 2019

A Curious Report From Gabon


Long-time readers of this blog know that every once in awhile we'll hear about a `mysterious' outbreak somewhere in the world, and most of the time, it will turn out to be something fairly common; measles, malaria, dengue, etc.
Every once in awhile, there will be more more to the story.
Since early yesterday evening the dedicated newshounds at FluTrackers (h/t Pathfinder) have been following (see FT thread) an unidentified medical emergency involving the captain and crew of a work boat, bound from Douala, Cameroon to Pointe-Noire in the Congo.

Last night's (translated) media report stated:
The SANDRA TIDE, a Crew boat, used to supply oil rigs, left Douala on October 21, 2019 for Pointe-Noire in Congo. On 24 October 2011 he issued distress signals off the coast of Gabon, from which the intervention of the maritime authorities allowed the evacuation of the Captain of the ship and his deputy who are in a critical health situation.
There were eight (8) crew members on board, including two (02) of Philippine nationality (the Captain and his deputy), five (5) of Cameroonian nationality and one (01) of Ghanaian nationality.
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Today, Pathfinder has posted the official statement from the Gabonese Ministry of Health, which - while still not identifying the cause - adds that the captain has died and his deputy is in a coma, and expands the number of crew hospitalized with various (and possibly, unrelated) symptoms.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Flash Infos
Press release from the Ministry of Health

Libreville, October 28, 2019 - The SANDRA TIDE, a type of boat Crew boat, used to supply oil platforms, left Douala October 21, 2019 at Pointe-Noire in Congo. On 24 October 2019, it issued a distress signal in offshore Gabon, where the intervention of the maritime authorities which helped to evacuate the ship's captain and his assistant who were in a critical health situation. There were eight board (08) including two crew members (02) of Philippine nationality (the Flight Captain and his deputy), five (05) of Cameroonian nationality and (01) of Ghanaian nationality.
Upon notification by the Base Epidemiology Health Region Maritime (Port Gentil), in charge of health surveillance, the death of the ship's captain and the hospitalization of his deputy in a coma in the intensive care unit of hospital NTCHENGUE, the Minister of Health convened a crisis in the presence of the Representative of the World Health Organization (WHO) October 26, 2019 after which it was decided to send the same day on Port-Gentil, a rapid response team. On arrival, it has integrated multisectoral crisis team set up by the Governor of the province of Ogooue Maritime.
In their initial assessment shows that the index case occurred outside the community, limiting the spread of any infectious disease. The list of contacts persons- (nurses and sailors) who approached the sick has been carefully established and daily monitoring is performed.

He was evacuated from the ship, its disinfection and observing implementation of other crew members including three (03) were eventually hospitalized for various symptoms (hiccups, fatigue, diarrhea), but without no fever.
Samples of diseased biological fluids, drinking water, sewage, food remains found on board, as swabbing conditioned air lines has been made. These samples will be analyzed by the International Center for Medical Research (CIRMF).
Following the inspection of the ship, was taken to the destruction of foodstuffs and of all litter found on board by a special unit of hygiene and sanitation service, which also ensures the incineration of personal protective equipment and all equipment used during various procedures requiring contact with patients.
This first report was communicated today, October 28, 2019 a multisectoral platform in the presence of the WHO Representative. Present at the Crisis, representatives of the Merchant Navy, the Military Health Services, Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, infectious disease specialists and biologists.
Pending the results CIRMF, which only specify our infectious origin or not troubles plaguing the crew of SANDRA TIDE, multisectoral coordination chaired by the Governor of the province of Ogooué Maritime, we welcome the diligence, has control of the situation.
The following recommendations were made:
  • strengthening epidemiological surveillance in all health facilities in Port Gentil;
  • regular monitoring of all cases contacts listed;
  • the strict application of individual protection measures by all healthcare professionals in contact with patients;
  • urgent sent by air (Helicopter) samples taken.
Additional information will be provided as and when the evolution of the situation, especially when the CIRMF analysis results we will be reached.
While we must wait for results, given the short time frame, this appears to have been a thorough and well executed response.

Although I'll update this story when more information comes available, you best bet is to visit FluTrackers (I do, every day), as they have volunteers collecting and posting reports literally 24 hours a day, from all over the world.