Friday, January 31, 2020

California: 7th US Confirmed Coronavirus Case - Santa Clara County


The Santa Clara Health Department posted the following announcement a couple of hours ago on their first (imported) novel coronavirus case - the 7th confirmed in the United States to date.

County of Santa Clara Public Health Department Reports First Case of Novel (new) Coronavirus
For immediate release:
January 31, 2020
For more information contact:
County of Santa Clara Public Health Communications
(408) 794-0707
  • First confirmed case of novel (new) coronavirus in Santa Clara County.
  • There is no immediate threat to the public’s health. 
  • Contact investigations are taking place with people who had close contact with this case.
Santa Clara County - The County of Santa Clara Public Health Department received confirmation today from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that an adult male resident of the county has tested positive for the novel (new) coronavirus.
This case recently traveled to Wuhan, China and became ill upon returning home. He was seen at a local clinic and hospital, but was never was sick enough to require hospitalization. He is in stable condition and is self-isolating at home, and he did not leave home while he had symptoms except to seek medical care. Public Health Department staff are in regular contact and monitoring his symptoms and condition.
Further information about the individual will not be released for reasons of medical privacy. 
“We understand that this news may be concerning, but based on what we know today, the risk to residents of our community remains low,” said Dr. Sara Cody, Health Officer, Santa Clara County. 
“This news is not unexpected. Santa Clara County has the largest population in the Bay Area, and many of our residents travel for both personal and business reasons.”
Even with news of this case, the risk to the general public remains low because the patient remained at home. Santa Clara County residents, students, workers, and visitors should continue to engage in their regular activities and practice good health hygiene since this is the height of flu season. Healthy people should not be excluded from activities based on their race, country of origin, or recent travel. Anyone with respiratory symptoms, such as a cough, sore throat, or fever, should stay home, practice proper cough etiquette and hand hygiene, and limit their contact with other people. 
County of Santa Clara Public Health Department is working closely with the CDC and the California Public Health Department, and other partners as this continues to be a rapidly evolving situation. Information will be updated as it becomes available on our website:

Key Points:
  • The case has been confirmed by the CDC.
  • There is no evidence of person-to-person spread in our community and the risk to the public remains low.
  • The person is in stable condition and self-isolating at home and being monitored by the Public Health Department. In order to protect patient privacy/confidentiality, no other details about this person will be released.
Public Health Department officials are following up directly with all individuals who have had close contact with this person to determine their risk of infection, monitor them for signs and symptoms of illness and to take measures to limit the spread of the virus. This is the only case of novel coronavirus in Santa Clara County. There are currently six other confirmed cases in the United States. 
In January, County of Santa Clara Public Health Department activated its Emergency Operations Center to ensure regular communications to the public, providers and partners, as well as to handle any reports of potential novel coronavirus infection. The department will continue to provide regular updates and to work with healthcare providers as the situation evolves. 
Healthcare professionals are reminded to use appropriate infection control practices at all times. Public Health will continue to provide updated information about the diagnosis and management of cases of novel coronavirus to healthcare providers and hospitals in the County and relevant partners to both identify and prevent any future cases. 
This situation is rapidly changing, so the public should visit the PHD website for updated local information at The CDC provides more information about novel coronavirus at