Sunday, January 26, 2020

China NHC Reports 769 New Cases, 24 Deaths, 2 Cured

Credit CDC


We've the latest report from China's National Health Commission on their expanding coronavirus epidemic that finds 769 new cases have been identified over the past 24 hours, and that the number of deaths has increased to 80, while the number of recoveries has only increased by 2.
While much as been made of the relatively few - at least compared to MERS-CoV -number of deaths (3%) to date, after nearly a month, disappointingly less than 2% of hospitalized patients have been cured and released. 
There are, no doubt, many mild cases which aren't hospitalized (or counted), but these numbers suggest even `stable' cases required considerable - and lengthy - in-hospital care.  Whether this is due to their physical condition - or due to prolonged shedding of the virus - isn't clear.

What it does suggest is that even if the CFR (Case Fatality Ratio) remains low - which is far from assured - large scale outbreaks could severely stretch healthcare resources.

Update on the outbreak of pneumonia with the new coronavirus infection as of 24 hours on 26 January
Published time: 27 Jan, 2020 Source: Office of Health Emergency Response
On January 26th, from 0-24 hours, 30 provinces (regions and cities) reported 769 new confirmed cases, 137 new serious cases, 24 new deaths (24 in Hubei Province), 2 new cases of cured discharge and 3806 new suspected cases.
As of 24 hours on January 26, the National Health and Health Commission had received a cumulative total of 2,744 confirmed cases in 30 provinces (regions and municipalities), 461 cases of existing severe illness, 80 cumulative deaths and 51 cases of cured discharge. There are 5794 suspected cases available.
At present, a total of 32,799 close contacts were traced, 583 were released from medical observation on the same day, and 30,453 people are currently under medical observation.
A total of confirmed cases have been reported in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan: 8 in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, 5 in the Macao Special Administrative Region and 4 in Taiwan.
In addition, a total of reported confirmed cases from abroad have been received: 7 cases in Thailand, 3 cases in Japan, 3 cases in South Korea, 3 cases in the United States, 2 cases in Vietnam, 4 cases in Singapore, 3 cases in Malaysia, 1 case in Nepal, 3 cases in France and 4 cases in Australia.