Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Guangdong Province Reports 3 New Coronavirus Case (ttl = 17)


Less than 48 hours ago  Guangdong Province Confirmed Their  1st Novel Coronavirus Caseand since then they've confirmed 16 more, and have 4 more suspected cases being tested.  Case counts are changing so rapidly, and new outbreaks are popping up in so many places, that is is becoming impossible to blog each of them individually.
That said, since Guangdong Province sits adjacent to Hong Kong and Macao, it deserves special attention.  At least for now.  
This from the Guangdong Health Commission.

Outbreak of pneumonia in a new coronavirus infection in Guangdong Province
Time: 2020-01-21 22:13:11 
As of 18:00 on January 21, three new cases of pneumonia confirmed by new coronavirus infection have been added to our province. The distribution of new cases is as follows: Shenzhen, Zhuhai, and Zhanjiang, one each, all treated in isolation at local designated medical institutions. Among them, 1 was male and 2 were female. All three cases had a history of residence or travel in Hubei, which were sporadic cases, of which one was severe. Our province has followed up close followers, and currently there is no abnormality.
So far, 17 confirmed cases have been found in our province, of which 5 are critically ill, 2 are critically ill, and there are no deaths. Another 4 suspected cases are under investigation.