Monday, January 27, 2020

Shanghai Orders All Schools & Non-Essential Businesses To Close Until At Least Feb 9th

Location Shanghai China


Shanghai is a mega-city with a population approaching 25 million people, and while only 53 confirmed novel coronavirus cases have been reported there to date, today the Shanghai Municipal authority has called for the shuttering of all non-essential workplaces until at least February 9th, and the closing of all schools until February 17th.
The Shanghai municipal website must be getting slammed, as I'm having great difficulties getting it to load, but the text of the decree is being promulgated across state run media, including the Global Times. 

A translated version of the decree follows:

Source: Shanghai Release

Notice of Shanghai Municipal People's Government on Delaying the Resumption of Business Operations and the Opening of Schools in This Municipality
The people's governments of all districts, all commissions, offices and bureaus of the Municipal People's Government, and all relevant entities:
With a view to strengthening the prevention and control of the epidemic situation of pneumonia with new coronavirus infection, effectively reducing the concentration of people, blocking the spread of the epidemic situation, and better safeguarding the life safety and the health of the people, in accordance with the work arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council on prevention and control, and in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Emergency Response Law of the People's Republic of China, the Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases, and the First-Class Response Mechanism for Major Public Health Emergencies in this Municipality, upon deliberation and decision of the Municipal People's Government, we hereby give our urgent notice on postponing the resumption of enterprises and starting schools in this Municipality as follows:
I. All kinds of enterprises in this Municipality shall resume construction no earlier than 24: 00 on February 9. Those involving the necessity of guaranteeing urban operation (such as water supply, gas supply, power supply, and communication), the necessity of preventing and controlling epidemic situation (such as the production and sale of medical appliances, drugs, protective products, etc.), the necessity of people's livelihood (such as supermarkets, food production and supply, etc.), and other relevant enterprises involving important national economy and people's livelihood shall be excluded. The employing units shall protect the legal rights and interests of the employees.
2. All types of schools at all levels in Shanghai (institutions of higher learning, primary and middle schools, secondary vocational schools, kindergartens, nurseries, etc.) shall not start school before February 17. Previously, the school did not organize students to return to school, and did not conduct any offline teaching activities and collective activities (including training institutions). The specific starting time shall be determined upon scientific evaluation according to the relevant information on epidemic prevention and control. Once determined, it will be made public in advance.
3. With regard to the personnel who have indeed returned to Shanghai recently due to work needs, all relevant departments and entities shall strengthen quarantine inspection and health protection, the entities where they work shall report the relevant information in a timely manner, and strictly implement medical observation, isolation and other measures for the personnel from or in key epidemic areas, so as to cover them all.
All relevant enterprises and schools shall effectively implement the requirements of this Notice, strengthen the responsibilities of the subjects, detail the implementation of various prevention and control and service guarantee measures, and ensure the stability and order of the society.
January 27, 2020
Shanghai Municipal People's Government