Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Hong Kong Adds 3 COVID-19 Cases (n=65)


Hong Kong's CHP has announced 3 more (locally acquired) novel coronavirus cases today, bruning that city's total to 65 - of which only 13 appear to be imported.

65 new cases of pneumonia
February 19, 2020
The Centre for Health Protection stated that three new cases of new coronavirus infection were diagnosed in Hong Kong today, with a total of 65 cases .

In addition to the confirmed case of an 83-year-old female patient announced this afternoon, another couple was confirmed to be infected with the new coronavirus.
A 68-year-old male patient and a 70-year-old female patient have long-term illnesses. They lived in Ruiman Building, Xiaoxiwan Village, and had a cough last Wednesday. They consulted a private doctor for a persistent cough yesterday, and then were admitted to the Lady Yude Nethersole Eastern Hospital. The situation is stable now.
They did not travel abroad during the incubation period, and their co-resident daughter had no symptoms and would be arranged for quarantine. The center is following up on the follow-up of relevant contacts.
The Protection Center has a special webpage that provides relevant information and health advice. It is updated online at 9 am and 6 pm daily to receive the latest information on reported cases, further improving the efficiency of issuing infection cases.