Monday, February 17, 2020

Japan MOH: 99 More COVID-19 Cases Identified Aboard The Diamond Princess

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With just 48 hours left to the initial 14 day quarantine, and half of the ship's passengers and crew still untested, Japan's MOH has announced that another 99 people aboard the Diamond Princess have tested positive for COVID-19. 
Perhaps of greatest concern, 70 of those are currently asymptomatic. 
Since testing has been concentrated on those who are symptomatic (and their close contacts), the data may be skewed, but at this point 26% of those tested have been infected.  Of those who tested positive, just over 40% were asymptomatic.

Whether all of these asymptomatic cases will remain asymptomatic is unknown.  Part of that may depend on when they were exposed.  If transmission has continued on the ship - despite the precautions taken to keep people separated - then some of these infections may be early in the incubation period.
In any event, the Japanese MOH will have a major decision to make in two days regarding lifting the quarantine. 
This update from Japan's MOH:

New Coronavirus Infection Confirmed on A Cruise Ship In Quarantine at Yokohama Port (11th Report)
The Diamond Princess cruise ship, which arrived at Yokohama Port on February 3, is being quarantined at sea. Among the 504 people who have conducted tests on new coronaviruses, including those with fever and other symptoms, mainly those who are considered to be at high risk from the viewpoint of ensuring health due to their long-term stay on board, The positive of the new coronavirus was confirmed for 99 people (including 70 of whom possessed asymptomatic pathogens). In the future, we will transport it to medical institutions that have infectious disease wards. 
A total of 1,723 people were tested for positive testing of 454 (including 189 people holding asymptomatic pathogens).
Some of the people being transported include the elderly and foreign nationals, and it is necessary to take care of them considering their physical condition. We would like to ask all the people involved in this matter to give special consideration to the coverage of this matter.

Quarantine scans for such cruise ships will continue. New coronavirus tests are conducted on those who need them, and the results will be announced later.
As of yesterday, 70 people whose results were found today were added to the 111 people, and eight people who had strong contact with positive patients who had already been disembarked in Hong Kong.