In the South Korea's largest one-day spike in confirmed cases to date, their CDC has announced 813 new cases overnight, bringing that nation's total to 3,150 cases and 17 deaths.
Remarkably, 10 days ago South Korea had only reported 31 cases, making today's update literally a 100-fold increase since then.
A breakdown of the 1st 16 deaths (as of their 0900hrs report) shows that while most of the fatalities have been in older people, at least one was in his 30s and 6 others were under the age of 60. Most, however, had comorbidities.
As a result of analyzing the characteristics of 16 fatalities in Korea, 10 males (62.5%) and 6 females (37.5%) among the 16 fatalities, and 3 persons over 70s (18.6%), 60 There were six (37.5%) and five in their 50s (31.3%).
A few epidemiological notes from the 0900hrs update include:
□ Many of the cases under investigation in the Infectious Disease Control Zone are found to be related to the Shincheon Daegu Church.
○ The Daegu Metropolitan City identified 761 of the 1,299 bequest boxes that were previously surveyed. It is estimated that 1,356 people and 133 people in Gyeongbuk area.
-In the future, we will continue to conduct further investigations in consultation with the local governments, and related cases are expected to continue for the time being.
○ In addition, two additional persons (one employee and one family contact) who were in quarantine related to Qingdao Daenam Hospital were confirmed.
* 103 people existing inpatients and 14 employees, family contacts 2 people
☞ 36 out of Tainan hospital, 72 people other hospital transport, four people, including seven people killed, another local resident
- about 36 people are currently hospitalized in Tainan Hospital At the same time, 24 patients were found to be negative, mainly in patients with mild to moderate symptoms. In addition, 21 patients were identified as negative for 29 patients transferred to the National Mental Health Center. As a result, we will consider release of quarantine if further testing confirms voice.