While there is little doubt that Iran's epidemic is many times greater than has been reported, the Iranian MOH appears to be improving their testing and reporting. A week ago, Iran's case count sat at 139. For the 5th day in a row Iran has reported more than a 50% jump in cases over the previous day.
Today, 835 new cases were identified, bringing the official case count to 2336. Eleven more deaths have been reported (although media reports suggest a great many more have died), bringing that total to 77.This from the Iranian MOH website:
Health Deputy Minister of Health announced:
Identification of 835 new case of Kvidid 19 in the country
Health deputy Ministry of Health said: According to the results of the laboratory, yesterday to today, 835 new patients with a 19-day study were identified and the total of patients with this disease in the country was 2336.
At the Ministry of Health, Dr. Alireza Reiisi, told the news meeting of the camp on the notification of the Anti-Virus Commission in the MoH, said Tehran province is the most common case of new Karvidis 19 in the country.
Unfortunately, during the last 24 hours of 11 people in the country, they lost their lives, the sum of victims died in 77.
Health Deputy Minister of Health pointed out: Today, a meeting with a group of managers, experts and specialists of the World Health Organization, the eastern Mediterranean region of this Organization and China in this meeting was investigated technical and technical discussions about the screening and diagnosis of the 19th.
Dr. Reiisi added: Emphasis of the World Health Organization and experts and specialists of this organization is that, according to the new virus, it has been given to each other to have their own experience in preventing and controlling the disease. Also, in this meeting, borders and methods of prevention, isolation, home care services and new drugs used in patients with Kvidin 19 were studied./206