Italy has posted the largest number of deaths in a 24 hour period of any country from the COVID-19 pandemic, bringing their death toll close to 3,000. This raises their country-wide apparent Case Fatality Rate (CFR) to 8.3%, while the CFR in hard hit Lombardy is now over 11%.
While these numbers are likely skewed higher by a testing bias towards the sickest cases, Italy's overwhelmed healthcare system is obviously having difficulty providing ICU-level care to all of their critical patients.Today's report brings Italy's total number of confirmed cases to just under 36,000. Since Italy extended their nationwide lockdown to all of Italy 8 days ago, the number of confirmed cases has more than tripled, and the number of deaths has more than quadrupled.
These exceptional measures should help to reduce transmission of the virus, but between a long incubation period and a slow ramp up of symptoms, it may take several more days before we start seeing its effects.
The situation in Italy: 18 March 2020, 18.00
Press conference at 6 pm on March 18
35713 total cases, the currently positive people are 28710, 2978 died and 4025 recovered.
Among the 28710 positives:
- 12090 are found in home isolation
- 14363 hospitalized with symptoms
Read the tables:
- 2257 in intensive care
Consult the map:
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