Sunday, March 22, 2020

Italy: 5560 New COVID-19 Cases & 651 New Deaths


It's been two weeks since Italy enacted highly restrictive measures nationwide to slow the spread of COVID-19, and while the daily number of new cases and deaths has steadily risen, we've been waiting to see some impact on transmission from those steps.
Today, for the first time in several days, we see a reduction in new cases and deaths over the previous day.  In fact, the number of new cases today (n=5560) is 1,000 fewer than was reported on Saturday, while the number of deaths (n=651) is 140 less. 
Although the numbers are still tragically large, and Italy's health care system continues to be overwhelmed with cases, this is the first glimmer of hope we've seen.  The preliminary CFR in Lombardy continues to rise, however, and now sits at 12.7%while it is roughly half that in the rest of the country.
There are media reports indicating that some seriously ill patients - particularly those over the age of 60 - may no longer qualify for an ICU bed or ventilator (see Israeli doctor in Italy: We no longer help those over 60), although that policy likely varies by location. 
Triage decisions based on age and/or medical frailty are likely to become more common as the number of critical COVID-19 cases exceed critical care capacities around the globe (see Ventilator Shortages And Pandemic Triage).

The situation in Italy: March 22, 2020, 18.00
DECEASED                         5476
HEALED                              7024

Press conference at 6 pm on March 22nd
59138 total cases, currently positive people are 46638, 5476 dead and 7024 recovered.
Among the 46638 positives:

  • 23783 are found in home isolation
  • 19846 hospitalized with symptoms
  • 3009 in intensive care
Read the tables