Thursday, March 19, 2020

Italy Surpasses 41,000 COVID-19 Cases - 3405 Deaths


The explosion of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Italy continues today with a record-setting 24 hour total of 5322 new cases reported, along with an additional 427 deaths. Italy's confirmed numbers have more than doubled over the past 4 days.
The apparent case fatality rate (CFR) in the hard-hit Lombardy region continues to hover around 11%, while it is closer to half that (5.8%) across the remainder of Italy.  Both are much higher numbers than we've seen reported elsewhere. 
An older demographic may be contributing to the higher number of deaths, and a significant number of mild or moderate cases may not be included in the case count, which would skew the CFR higher.  But we continue to see reports of overcrowded ICUs, and a hospital system on the verge of collapse, which is likely contributing to the high death toll as well.

The situation in Italy: March 19, 2020, 6.00 p.m.
Press conference at 6 pm on March 19th

41035 total cases, currently positive people are 33190, 3405 died and 4440 recovered.
Among the 33190 positives:
  • 14935 are found in home isolation
  • 15757 hospitalized with symptoms
  • 2498 in intensive care
Read the tables:
Italy situation as of March 19thBreakdown by provinces on March 19