Friday, August 06, 2021

Fauci: COVID Booster Shots For Immunocompromised `A High Priority'


White House Task Force Meeting Aug 5th, 2021 1m5s clip


For the the past few weeks we've been looking at increasing evidence that - in the face of of new variants (Delta, Beta, Lambda, etc.) - and in particular, for those who are immunocompromised, the protection afforded by our current COVID vaccines appears to wane significantly after about six months.  

A few recent blogs include:

Moderna To Investors: 3rd COVID Booster Shot Will Be Needed by Winter

UK Preprint: PITCH study – Antibody & Cellular Immune Responses after Two Different Dosing Schedules of the Pfizer Vaccine

UK To Begin New Clinical Trial On COVID `Booster' Vaccines

Last month, in a report in the Times of Israel (see Israeli, UK data offer mixed signals on vaccine’s potency against Delta strain), researchers found the initial 90% protection against symptomatic disease offered by the vaccine wanes over about 6 months, with those who were vaccinated in January just 16% protected now, while those who were jabbed in April were at 75%

While disappointing, we've known for more than a year that the durability of COVID vaccine protection - or immunity from actual infection  - might become an issue. A few past blogs include:

EID Journal: Predictors of Nonseroconversion after SARS-CoV-2 Infection

EID Journal: Waning Antibody Response In Asymptomatic and Symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 Infection

Nature Medicine: Seasonal Coronavirus Protective Immunity Is Short-Lasting

COVID-19: From Here To Immunity

EID Journal: Antibody Response & Disease Severity In HCW MERS Survivors

Yesterday, after the announcement from Moderna To Investors: 3rd COVID Booster Shot Will Be Needed by Winter, Dr. Fauci acknowledged the likelihood of needing booster shots for specific `at risk' populations in the near future in response to a reporter's question at a White House Task Force Meeting

Overnight a number of media outlets have reported that there are plans to roll out a booster shot for those who are immunocompromised, are over 65, or who received their vaccine more than 6 months ago  later this fall (see WSJ FDA Covid-19 Vaccine Booster Plan Could Be Ready Within Weeks). 

There are obvious logistical and political obstacles involved (see WHO call for moratorium on boosters), and the need for a booster after only 6 months may discourage some who have yet to be vaccinated from getting the jab, while providing fodder for the anti-vaccine and conspiracy brigade.  

But we either adapt to a changing pandemic threat - and pivot when it makes sense to do so - or we risk prolonging and intensifying the pain for months, or even years, to come.