Thursday, October 21, 2021

Russia COVID Updates: Delta AY.4.2 Detected - Extended School Holidays & 10-Day Business Closures


Yesterday, in Russia: Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin Orders New COVID Restrictions As Cases Spike, we looked at several new steps taken by Moscow's government to try to stem the rising tide of COVID cases and deaths.  

Today, we've more reports, including a 10-day shut down of non-essential businesses, another week of school closures, and the announced detection of the Delta AY.4.2 variant by Rospotrebnadzor. 

The biggest splash in the Russian media overnight is the announced discovery of the Delta AY.4.2 variant - which may, or may not, be a factor in Russia's recent spike in cases.  This sub-variant of Delta  appears to have its biggest foothold in the UK, but cases have also been detected in the United States, and elsewhere.

Whether - as has been suggested by some media reports - this is the heir apparent to Delta remains to be seen.  For now, the primary Delta variant appears to still be well in control.  

Our first stop is a translated report from

Rospotrebnadzor announced the identification of a variety of coronavirus AY.4.2 in Russia
October 21, 2021 07:37

In Russia, isolated cases of the disease with a variety of the strain "delta" of the AY4.2 coronavirus are detected. This was announced by Kamil Khafizov, head of the scientific group for the development of new methods for diagnosing human diseases at the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor.

In Russia, isolated cases of the disease with a variety of the strain "delta" of the AY4.2 coronavirus are detected. This was announced by Kamil Khafizov, head of the scientific group for the development of new methods for diagnosing human diseases at the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor.

"Yes, the AY.4.2 variant of the delta line is already being detected in isolated cases in Russia, as follows from the results of sequencing the genomes of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus deposited in the VGARus database," RIA Novosti quoted him as saying.

Earlier, the Financial Times , citing scientists, reported that the variation of the delta strain of coronavirus AY.4.2 spreading in the UK may be 10-15% more infectious than the original version.

Later, the head of the American Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Rochelle Walensky, announced that this type of COVID-19 was recorded in the country .

Yesterday, CDC Director Rochelle Walenski, during a White House COVID Briefing, had this to say about this emerging variant. 

There are new variants that continue to emerge as cases continue to spread. And, in particular, the AY 4.2 variant has drawn some attention in recent days. AY 4.2 is a sub-lineage of the Delta variant that has been recently identified in the UK. And we have on occasion identified the sub-lineage here in the United States, but not with recent increased frequency or clustering to date.

CDC is continuing to track lineages and sub-lineages of Delta and all other variants. Over the past nine months, as we have previously reported, we have ramped up our sequencing capabilities in partnership with local public health and academic institutions. We particularly monitor for sub-lineages that could impact therapeutics, such as monoclonal antibodies and vaccines.

At this time, there is no evidence that the sub-lineage AY 4.2 impacts the effectiveness of our current vaccines or therapeutics, and we will continue to follow up. 

The emergence of a sub-variant of Delta is not unexpected, and AY.4.2 may not be the last one we have to deal with.  Unless and until it can make significant inroads against the dominant Delta B.1.617.2 variant, its supposed `enhanced' abilities are mostly of academic interest. 

Regardless of AY.4.2's current or future impact in Russia (or beyond), the COVID situation in Russia continues to deteriorate, and overnight Moscow's Mayor Sergey Sobyanin outlined additional COVID restrictions in his personal blog. 

Schools, which have been largely closed in Moscow since mid-October, will remain closed an additional week into November, and starting on October 28th Moscow will institute a 10-day suspension of most non-essential work environments.  

All, apparently, in hopes of creating a firebreak of sorts against COVID's spread.  Some excerpts from Sobyanin's blog follow.


Sergei Sobyanin
Today at 12:15 pm
Coronavirus. Holidays and other decisions
Dear friends,

In connection with a sharp increase in the incidence of coronavirus, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin decided to declare non-working days.

The situation in Moscow also continues to develop according to the worst-case scenario . In the coming days, we will reach historic peaks in the incidence of covid.

Therefore, in pursuance of the President's decree, I have made the following decisions.

Non-working days in Moscow are set from October 28 to November 7, 2021.

During this period, the work of all enterprises and organizations on the territory of the city of Moscow should be suspended , with the exception of organizations that ensure the functioning of the city infrastructure, enterprises of a continuous cycle and some others, whose activities cannot be terminated in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation.

In particular,

1. The work of enterprises and organizations in the sphere of trade, services , public catering, sports, culture, recreation, entertainment, film screenings and others is suspended , except for the sale of drugs, food and other essential goods.

The sale of goods and the provision of services remotely is not limited.

Restaurants and cafes can work for take-out and delivery of ready-made meals. The work of corporate catering establishments and restaurants in hotels is not limited, provided that there is no access to unauthorized persons.

2. The provision of public services in the centers "My Documents" and the premises of the authorities of the city of Moscow is suspended , with the exception of urgent services for registration of acts of civil status.

The provision of public services in electronic form is preserved in full.

3. Holidays are announced in kindergartens and schools . The work of organizations of additional education, sports schools, children's circles and sections is suspended.

For preschoolers who have no one to leave at home, the work of duty groups will be organized in city kindergartens.

Higher and secondary vocational educational institutions can conduct classes exclusively remotely.

4. Medical organizations will continue to provide routine medical care. Emergency medical care is maintained in full.

5. Theaters and museums can continue to operate. However, their visit will be possible only if the occupancy of the premises is no more than 50%, the use of QR codes and protective masks.

The federal authorities are encouraged to make similar decisions with regard to their subordinate cultural organizations.

6. It is prohibited to conduct mass cultural, entertainment, sports, advertising, entertainment and other events , with the exception of events held by the decision of state authorities, or in agreement with the Office of Rospotrebnadzor in the mountains. Moscow.

Now - about how we will live after the non-working days.

1. In connection with the introduction of a home regime from November 8, 2021, free travel on public transport will be suspended for elderly Muscovites over the age of 60 and chronically ill citizens .

However, the blocking of social cards will not affect citizens who have had COVID -19 in the last 6 months, or who have been vaccinated . The unlocking of social cards will be carried out immediately after vaccination with the first component.

Please understand this decision. It was adopted in order to save the lives and health of the most vulnerable category of Muscovites.

2. Theaters and museums will continue to work with the mandatory use of QR codes, protective masks and a maximum 70 percent occupancy rate.

3. In addition, from November 8, 2021, the mandatory use of QR codes and protective masks is introduced when holding concerts, entertainment, cultural, entertainment, sports and other events with the simultaneous presence of more than 500 people.

Organizers of events with fewer than 500 participants are also encouraged to make similar decisions.

(Continue . . . . )

While the above decrees apply only to Moscow, similar orders appear to have gone out for most of Russia. Like everyone else, Russia is mindful of the potential return of influenza this year, which could substantially complicate matters this winter. 

While short-term school and business closures may temporarily slow the spread of COVID in Russia, it seems unlikely that it will do more than delay the peak of their next wave.  Hopefully, that will give them time to get more vaccines into the arms of the vulnerable.

Stay tuned.