Thursday, November 25, 2021

Germany RKI: Daily COVID Cases Exceed 75,000 For The 1st Time - Deaths Reach 100K

Progression Of COVID Wave In Germany 


Yesterday Germany's RKI reported a new record number of cases over the previous 24 hours (+66,884), but today has exceeded that number by over 9,000 cases (+75,961), as total deaths surpass 100,000.  

The westward progression of this fall's pandemic wave (see map above) over the past couple of weeks suggests that this surge is far from over. 

Today's report (below) from Germany's Robert Koch Institute provides a snapshot of the trajectory of the pandemic, but probably doesn't fully reflect the number of cases and deaths attributable to the COVID virus. 

Summary (as of 25/11/2021, 10:00 AM)

 • Yesterday, 75,961 new laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 cases as well as 351 new deaths associated with COVID-19 were transmitted to the RKI in Germany. The national 7-day incidence is 419.7 cases per 100,000 population. The 7-day incidence in federal states lies between 1,074.6 cases per 100,000 population in Saxony and 152.7 per 100,000 population in SchleswigHolstein. 

• Overall, +1,628 new hospitalisations with COVID-19 were reported, the 7-day incidence of hospitalised cases is 5.79 per 100,000 population.

 • On 24/11/2021 (12:15 AM), 4,070 COVID-19 patients were in intensive care units (ICU), +83 cases compared to the day before. The 18.2 % 4 .

• Since 26/12/2020, 119,524,302 vaccine doses have been administered in Germany. Overall, 70.8 % of the population in Germany have been vaccinated at least once.5 68.2 % have received a complete course of vaccination against COVID-19. 6 8.8 % have received a booster vaccination.

As bad as things have become in Germany, which is clustered with Denmark and the UK (see chart below), their per-capita rate of infection is less than half that reported by Austria, the Netherlands, Czechia, and Belgium and less than a 1/3rd that reported by Slovakia.

The United States, by comparison, remains in pretty good shape, but the pattern with this pandemic has been that explosive growth in Europe is often followed by increases in North America and around the globe. 

On Monday, the CDC Elevated Germany & Denmark To a `Do Not Travel' Level 4 Warning, and Germany is contemplating a full lockdown in order to stem this latest pandemic wave. 

And of course, there are also concerns over influenza, which has shown signs of returning this fall, and could greatly complicate the COVID response and the ability of hospitals to care for patients. 

All of which means the pandemic is far from over, even though some areas of the world are currently enjoying a relative lull.