Monday, January 03, 2022

Denmark SSI: Unvaccinated 5 Times More Likely To Be Hospitalized With COVID


Public health agencies around the world have been slow to update their websites following the long  New Year's Holiday weekend, with some reporting delays due to data issues. 

Given the almost universal interruption in data we've seen due to two long holiday weekends in a row, I expect it will be several days before we begin to see semi-reliable data. 

Denmark, however, has broken the ice with a new report (that once again) confirms that those who are fully vaccinated (and/or boosted) are less likely to be hospitalized with COVID. 

Larger proportion of covid-19-related admissions among unvaccinated individuals

The number of covid-19 related admissions in week 51 was 59.1 per. 100,000 unvaccinated persons aged 12 years and over. For persons with full effect of the primary vaccination course and persons with full effect of revaccination, the numbers were 10.8 and 12.7, respectively. So far less.

Last edited January 3, 2022

There are relatively more unvaccinated among the covid-19-related admissions.

This is stated in the latest report on breakthrough infections and vaccine efficacy from the Statens Serum Institut (SSI).

The report shows a clearly higher incidence of covid-19-related admissions among unvaccinated individuals. Weekly counts for week 51 for persons aged 12 years and over thus show 59.1 covid-19-related admissions per 100,000 unvaccinated persons. At the same time, the number is only 10.8 per 100,000 people with full effect of the primary vaccination course and 12.7 per 100.00 people with full effect of revaccination. So far less.

"It is clear that it is the unvaccinated who get so sick from the corona infection that they have to be hospitalized. There are not that many unvaccinated adults in all in Denmark, but they fill a relatively large amount in the numbers for admissions, ”says department head Palle Valentiner-Branth from SSI.

The slightly higher incidence among people with full effect of revaccination compared to people with full effect of primary course can possibly be explained by the fact that people with an increased risk of a serious covid-19 course were vaccinated first and thus were also the first to be revaccinated.

The 5-11-year-olds are not yet included

There are only very few children between the ages of 5 and 11 who have currently achieved the full effect of the primary vaccination course. Therefore, they are not yet included in the inventories.
Increase in the number of covid-19-related admissions

The number of covid-19-related admissions has generally been slowly increasing from week 41, and the number of admissions among vaccinated with full effect of primary vaccination course is now at the highest level since the beginning of the vaccination roll-out.

High vaccine efficacy against covid-19-related admissions

Vaccine efficacy (VE) against covid-19-related admissions after the delta variant remains high for individuals with full efficacy of primary vaccination course.

The latest inventory in the Breakthrough Infections and Vaccine Efficiency Report shows for the Comirnaty vaccine (Pfizer-BioNTech) a protection against covid-19-related admissions of 92.9% (95% SI: 65.2; 98.5), 90, respectively, 9% (95% SI: 89.1; 92.4) and 64.5% (95% SI: 56.0; 71.4) for the age groups 12-15 years, 16-64 years and ≥65 years compared to unvaccinated in the same age groups.

Vaccine efficacy is even higher for the Spikevax vaccine (Moderna).

Covid-19-related deaths

The weekly inventories overall show a very low incidence of covid-19-related deaths. The highest incidences are seen among persons ≥80 years and especially among unvaccinated.

In week 51 for the age group ≥80 years, the incidence of covid-19-related deaths is 88.5 per 100,000 for unvaccinated persons and 42.7 and 5.8 per 100,000 for persons with full effect of primary course and with full effect of revaccination, respectively.

The latest report on breakthrough infections and vaccine efficacy shows that the number of covid-19-related deaths among those vaccinated with full effect of primary vaccination course has increased in the period from week 42 to week 47, and since week 47 there has been a slight decrease to a stable and slightly higher level than earlier in the year.

The small decrease in the number of covid-19-related deaths in this group despite the high infection pressure may be due to the fact that the people at highest risk have been revaccinated.