Saturday, July 22, 2023

Referral: Virologist Tom Peacock's Twitter Thread On Panzootic H5N1 in Mammals


ECDC Surveillance Report: Avian influenza overview April – June 2023


Two days ago in PNAS: Mink Farming Poses Risks for Future Viral Pandemics, we looked at an excellent opinion piece penned by two of the UK's best known virologists (Professor Wendy Barclay & Tom Peacock). 

This morning Tom has posted a lengthy twitter thread on the recent increase in H5N1 spillover into mammals, which is not only well worth reading on its own, but is generating a good deal of conversation as well. 

At this point I'll gladly step aside and simply suggest you follow the link to read Tom's thread in its entirety.  Again, Highly Recommended.

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