Sunday, May 05, 2024

Welcoming A New Blogger To Flublogia


It's been a while since I've been able to welcome a new blogger to Flublogia - this little world of disease hunters and analysts on the internet - which has been going strong now for nearly 20 years.  What began with Crof's blog, Effect Measure, and the Flu Wiki in 2005 quickly blossomed into numerous flu forums and blog sites by 2006. 

Sharon Sanders formed FluTrackers in January of 2006, and I hung out my AFD shingle as well, although we were both denizens of flu forums before that.    

Over the years we've seen flu forums, and bloggers, come and go. It takes a certain degree of mania to do this sort of thing day in and day out - for free - for years.  

In recent years much of the action has shifted away from blogs to platforms like Twitter/X, and collaborative groups like But many of these sites are highly technical and narrowly focused - and if my stats are any indication - `old school' blogs still have a place. 

Those with sharp eyes will have noticed I've put a new site in my sidebar - Hogvet51’s Substack -  which is penned by John Korslund D.V.M., and which began publishing last week. 

Given the recent developments with H5N1 in livestock, having the perspective of a retired USDA APHIS VS staff veterinarian is a welcomed addition to our little group. 

I invite my readers to visit and subscribe to John's substack, and wish him many years of blogging success.