While I don't have any special insight into what H5N1 will - or won't - do in the coming months, the virus continues to rack up new achievements and milestones to the point that even the mainstream media can no longer ignore it. A few examples this week include:
The risk of a bird flu pandemic is rising - MIT Tech Review
A Bird Flu Pandemic Would Be One of the Most Foreseeable Catastrophes in History - NYT's Opinion
Scientists warn of the increased dangers of a new bird flu strain - NPR
Nothing is guaranteed, of course. We've stood on the precipice with H5N1 before, only to see it's threat recede. But this time, the H5 virus is more widespread, and affecting a wider range of avian and mammalian hosts, than ever before.
This time, it feels different.
And it is always possible while we are watching H5N1 that another threat will emerge - like we saw in 2020 with COVID - that will take us by surprise. H5N1 isn't the only novel virus in the wild with pandemic potential (see CDC IRAT List), and there are plenty of other pandemic contenders not even on this list.
While much of the world (including myself) continues to suffer from varying degrees of PTSD from the last pandemic, there are things we could - and should - be doing now to prepare for the next global health emergency.
I'm talking individually, or as families and neighbors. Because regardless of what governments and agencies end up doing before - or during - a pandemic, much of the day-to-day responsibility for staying healthy, and continuing to function, will fall on the individual.
Sadly, much of the public guidance that was once promoted by the CDC and HHS on pandemic preparedness has been expunged from their websites. It's as if the first rule of pandemic preparedness in the 2020's is . . . we don't talk about pandemic preparedness.
Buried in the CDC's archives, however, are a number of useful documents, including these from 2017:
- Get Your Household Ready For Pandemic Flu {PDF - 16 pages]
- Get Ready for Pandemic Flu: Educational Settings [PDF – 16 pages]
In addition to the advice offered in these (and other) guidance documents, I'd like to offer 5 things you can do today to prepare for a possibility of seeing another pandemic sometime in the reasonably near future.
The first item is one we've discussed often (see Yes, We Have No Pandemic . . . But Line Up A Flu Buddy Anyway). I first fleshed out the idea in a 2008 blog called Lifelines In A Pandemic.
A `Flu Buddy’ is simply someone you can call if you get sick, who will then check on you every day (by phone, social media, or in person), make sure you have the food and medicines you need (including fetching prescriptions if appropriate), help care for you if needed, and who can call for medical help if your condition deteriorates.
Those people who care for others, like single parents, also need to consider who will take care of their dependents if they are sick.
While the evidence is limited, there are some studies suggesting that getting the seasonal flu vaccine may give you some small degree of protection against the H5N1 virus. Even if it doesn't, it may reduce your chances of having a dual infection, which could either be more serious, or even lead to a reassortant virus.COVID remains a threat, and a dual COVID-flu infection can be worse than either one alone, so keeping current with that vaccine makes sense as well.Since bacterial co-infections are common with influenza, getting the latest appropriate pneumonia vaccines is also a smart move. Last year, I also updated my Tetanus shot (Tdap), and those over 75 will want to consider the RSV vaccine.
I'm currently a contender for a Deadpool look-a-like contest since I'm doing a (long overdue) 21-day scalp and face field treatment (Fluorouracil) following skin cancer surgery last spring. It's not how I wanted to spend the holidays, but it seems prudent to take care of as many health issues now that I can.
I also got my Rx meds renewed, and have laid in a stock of any OTC meds I might need.
4. Stock up on PPEs or other supplies you might need
I went into COVID with an existing supply of N95 masks and gloves, and I refreshed my stocks in 2022, but if you don't already have all the N95/KN95 or other personal protective gear you would want during a pandemic, now is the time buy them.
Once a crisis begins, it is often too late to stock up. And that goes for any preparedness supplies or gear you might desire in an emergency (Hand Sanitizers/OTC meds/etc.)
5. Be prepared to Shelter in Place
If there was one lesson from the opening months of COVID, it is that many of us may elect - or be forced - to stay home, and avoid public places. Supply chains may be compromised, and there may be runs on `necessities' leaving some store shelves bare.
We see this every year before blizzards and hurricanes, and so it makes sense - whenever possible - to keep a stocked pantry, along with the other staples of life. Last week, in The Gift of Preparedness 2024 we looked a number of items that might make life more bearable during an extended `bug-in' situation.
The good news is, much of what you need to do now to prepare for a pandemic would hold you in good stead for any prolonged emergency or disaster. Frankly, there is not much here I wouldn't do to prepared for hurricanes, blizzards, or earthquakes.
And if we get lucky, and no pandemic (or other emergency) occurs necessitating these preps, I'll have slept well not worrying about being unprepared.