Tuesday, July 03, 2007

When Stories Collide


# 962


Today, we get a story in the Egyptian press that appears to contradict the story yesterday suggesting that there have been mutations, or an evolution, of the H5N1 virus in Egypt.  


The following appeared today on Egypt.com, and is attributed to the Al-Ahram newspaper.   In it the Health Minister appears to deny that humans had contracted the disease without contact with poultry. 


As to which version to believe?  


Your guess is as good as mine.  From this vantage point, I have no idea if the original story was simply a bit of journalistic speculation, or if this is subsequent government damage control. 


It is always a problem, trying to figure out what is, or isn't true based on media reports.  The best I can do is report both versions.  Hopefully the historians will figure it out.



A hat tip goes to UK-Bird on the Wiki for this translation.  (Note: The translation software appears to replace the word `virus' with HIV. This is not, however, a story about AIDS).






There is no evidence so far of mutation



There is no evidence so far to turn avian influenza virus

Dr Hatim al-Jabali, minister of health and population that there is so far no evidence to alter HIV disease avian flu, the disease is still moving between infected birds to humans.


The minister pointed out after a meeting of the Higher Committee on the fight against the disease to the emergence of 3 cases of the human disease in Qena, one of Upper Egypt with a high degree Hararha requires work on the revision of the possible presence of HIV in high temperatures and this Mayakev by experts from the Ministry of Health and WHO in their studies.


?The meeting of Ministers of the Environment and Local Development, 7 governors of Cairo and Giza and Qalubiya, Eastern and Western, Menoufia, Fayoum and representatives of the Ministries of Agriculture and Interior and the armed forces.


The minister said that the mortality rate among infected humans is still less than the global hitting percentages in Egypt 41% versus 60% global average, citing the minister agreed, saying that the total cases since the disease was screened in February of last year amounted to 37 cases, 22 of which recovered and died 15 cases, most were reported in time late or not to deny mingles of birds infected.


Asked about the deployment of injuries Qena disease confirmed that the infection was due to Mkhalttha of infected birds and not published as it is not mixing of birds infected This has been confirmed by the central ministry labs.


The minister stressed the commitment fully transparent about this disease and this is a ministry and all concerned and this is what President Mubarak demanded by the disease since the entry of the country in February last year and full openness of the masses developments disease.


Said Dr. Abdel Rahman Shahin spokesman of the Ministry of Health after the meeting that the property is still property Altamvelo effective and only recognized by the World Health Organization cure for the disease and that there are some medical products are used to treat cases infected by the disease to drug Altammivlo, has given good results for the treatment of the girl child infected in Qena, but still being evaluated and studied in collaboration with the World Health Organization.


?The spokesman noted that education of household birds still represents dangerous spread of the disease since all farms under the complete control of where and immunize all poultry, and as of last June 1200 appointment veterinarian been deployed in the provinces to support veterinary activity.

Source : Al-Ahram newspaper