Thursday, April 02, 2009

Riau: Bird Flu Fatality’s Family Reporting Fever


# 2966



With just about everyone, except the Indonesian Minister of Health, reporting that Wahyu Ibnu Saputra (age 2 years, 9 months) died of bird flu last week – our focus now shifts to family, friends, and contacts of the deceased little boy.


Over the past couple of days there have been various media reports suggesting that one or more family members were suffering from `fever’.


There are, of course, many possible causes of fever in Indonesia. But anytime close contacts of a confirmed H5N1 infection fall ill within a week or two, it deserves our attention.


Mojo, a newshound who frequents the Flu Wiki and the newly formed Flu News Network, has this translation of an article that appeared overnight from the Riau Pos Newspaper.


From this translation it appears that Wahyu’s father, grandmother, and grandfather are experiencing fevers.  


Blood tests have been taken, but not returned as yet.



Thursday, April 02, 2009, 07:25:00
Family Rev. fell ill Summer Fever
Neighbors worry contracting Bird Flu

Reports MASHURI KURNIAWAN, Pekanbaru

The death of Rev. Ibn Saputra (2.9) fell ill a positive bird flu virus caused the family and neighborhood residents living around the home place was fear. They fear the bird flu virus infecting the area and they will swallow the victim again. Moreover, the deceased parents at this time, Haryono (42) experience symptoms of heat illness with fever fell dizzy.


Jalan Kuantan worries residents VII, RT 07, RW 04, Kelurahan Tanjung Rhu, District Limapuluh this disclosed Kasi Observation and Disaster Management Health Department (Diskes) to the SKM Naviri Pekanbaru Riau Pos, Rabu (1 / 4) in between the activities and conduct of identification observations on the deceased's house.


He also said, Tumirah (59) and Kadiran (67) who is deceased grandfather and grandmother also experienced symptoms of high fever and fell dizzy heat. Both also have had intensive treatment in hospitals Arifin Achmad.

Three people ''Rev. deceased family (father, grandfather, and grandmother, red) had the disease have a high fever heat. One of them parents of the deceased at this time Haryono still getting intensive treatment and have checked the blood in the hospitals,''Naviri clear.


Naviri add, Diskes still do identisifikasi and location data in a bird flu virus mewabahnya to Saturday (11 / 4) future. Results of blood checks, diakuinya not known because it is still in check.



We get an alternative translation from Ida at the Bird Flu Information Corner, which more easily summarizes the information.


Pekanbaru, Riau update

April 2, 2009

Wahyu’s family are suffering for fever.


Fatality of Wahyu Ibnu Saputra (2,9) due to bird flu virus causes wary to family and neighbor. They afraid that virus is still circulating and taking lives. Particularly, victim’s parent, Haryono (42) is developing high fever.


This phenomena is mentioned by head of Monitoring and Disaster Section Health Service Pekanbaru, Naviri (Wednesday, 1/4) while her team was doing identification and observation in victim’s house.


She also mentioned, Tumirah (59) and Kadiran (67), victim’s grandparents were also developing high fever. They both had been treated intensively at Arifin Ahmad regional hospital. Meanwhile, victim’s father, haryono is still under intensive treatment. Hopsital have collected their blood samples for further test.


Naviri said health service is now doing data recording and identification around outbreak are is still ongoing. Agriculture service officers of Pekanbaru, Sentot Djoko Prayitno have done depopulation measures to chickens and disinfection to area within 100 meter from victim’s house.



It should be noted that another newspaper article (hat tip BFIC) has Wahyu’s father already tested and diagnosed with `common flu’.


Haryono is having fever since last Tuesday, and family has brought him for medical check up. Fortunately, the test resulted Haryono was only developing common flu, said Azizman Saad, coordinator of Bird Flu eradication of Arifin Ahmad hospital, Pekan baru.



So, it isn’t entirely clear what is going on.


Reporting out of Indonesia is often complicated by a reluctance on the part of public health officials to speak openly about their bird flu problem.    We often only get snippets of `unofficial’ information coming from multiple sources of unknown quality.


For now, about all we can do is watch to see what happens with the family, neighbors, and friends of little Wahyu.  



If any of them have, indeed, contracted the virus – it should be readily apparent over the next few days.