Thursday, November 25, 2010

The EM Daily



# 5089



A relatively new resource some of you may not yet be familiar with is the Emergency Management (EM) Daily, a `twitter newspaper created using

The EM Daily contains recent posts from dozens of emergency management, homeland security, and public health bloggers and displays them in newspaper format.


It is put together by @AllHandsDotNet, which is the twitter  account for They bill themselves as:


The All Hands Network is a unique community of emergency management, homeland security, and continuity professionals who come together via a web-based community.


This is a clever and convenient way to tap into the wealth of emergency management/public safety related material being published each day on the web. 


The Daily is divided into sections, including Headlines, Health, Business, Education, Environment, etc. You may even come across some of my efforts there from time to time. 


But don’t let that dissuade you from checking it out.


