# 7303
I’m just starting to work my way though the articles (and there are a dozen of them), but the Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal (EMHJ) – the Periodical of the World Health Organization Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean – has published a supplemental issue dedicated to the emergence of the novel coronavirus.
Included are articles by such well known public health players as Keiji Fukuda, Anthony Mounts (see yesterday’s interview), Dr. Ziad Memish et al, and Gregory Hartl (who includes a generous shout out to several flublogians on twitter).
Although events will undoubtedly overtake some of these articles, what I’ve read so far provides insight into the investigations ongoing in Saudi Arabia on this virus.
Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal
Volume 19, supplement 1 (Coronavirus)
Editorial: Novel coronavirus infection: time to stay ahead of the curve
Ala Alwan, Jaouad Mahjourand Ziad, A. Memish
Perspective: Emergence of novel coronavirus: global context
Keiji Fukuda
Saudi Arabia and the emergence of a novel coronavirus
Z.A. Memish,R. Alhakeem and G.M. Stephens
B. Hijawi,M. AbdallatA. Sayaydeh,S. Alqasrawi,A. Haddadin,N. Jaarour,S. Alsheikh and T. Alsanouri
The early response to a novel coronavirus in the Middle East
A. Mounts,S. De La Rocque,J. Fitzner,E. Garcia, H.L. Thomas, D. Brown, H. Schuster, K. Vandemaele, H. Esmat, S. Eremin and A. Mafi
Novel coronavirus: the challenge of communicating about a virus which one knows little about
G. Härtl
Novel coronavirus infection in the Eastern Mediterranean Region: time to act
M.R. Malik,A.R. Mafi,J. Mahjour,M. Opoka, M. Elhakim and M.O. Muntasir
W.H. Seto, J.M. Conly, C.L. Pessoa-Silva, M. Malik and S. Eremin
Emerging respiratory and novel coronavirus 2012 infections and mass gatherings
J.A. Al-Tawfiq, C.A.H. Smallwood, K.G. Arbuthnott, M.S.K. Malik,M. Barbeschi and Z.A. Memish
Enhanced surveillance and investigation of coronavirus: what is required?
R.G. Pebody, A. Nicoll, U. Buchholz, M. Zambon and A. Mounts
Public health investigations required for protecting the population against novel coronaviruses
A. Nicoll
C. Joseph,M.R. Malik, A.W. Mounts, A. R. Mafi,S. Briand, Z.A. Memish and the technical working group for the meeting on novel coronavirus