Thursday, May 02, 2013

H7N9: Video Chat Via Science Live




# 7215


Each week Science Magazine holds an online chat with top experts on the hottest topics in science as part of their ScienceLive Series. Later this morning (10 am EDT) they will hold a live video Chat on the H7N9 virus, with guests Yuelong Shu, Marion Koopmans, and  moderator Jon Cohen. 


Here are the details for what should prove a very interesting discussion.


Live Chat: The Threat of H7N9 Bird Flu (Video)

by Jon Cohen on 1 May 2013, 8:47 AM | See below for the chat box. Join us this Thursday at 10 a.m. EDT for a live conversation with leading scientists and expert reporters.


Today's Topic

When Chinese public health officials announced last month that people were sick and dying from a bird flu virus never before seen in humans, researchers immediately began hunting for answers to a deluge of pressing questions. How did the humans become infected? How deadly was the bug? Had it spread to people outside of China? Would anti-influenza drugs work? And how long would it take to make a vaccine?


Join us at a special time, 10 a.m. EDT, on Thursday, 2 May, on this page for a live video chat when we discuss H7N9 with experts. They’ll tackle the questions above and take yours. Be sure to leave your queries in the comment box below.

Today's Guests

Yuelong Shu

Yuelong Shu

Marion Koopmans
