Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Referral: VDU On Recent H7N9 Demographic Trends


Credit CDC 

# 8170


Dr. Ian Mackay on his Virology Down Under blog (VDU) takes another look this morning at the shifting demographic trends of recent H7N9 activity in China, charting by both age and gender.  His graphics work is always top notch, and provides us with a far more informative way to look at the line listing data we generally have.


Follow the link to read:


H7N9 age with time: is a younger adult demographic emerging this time around?

This is a big graphic - sorry for that - but I thought it best to show the distribution of age bands (this is updated from the paper I co-authored recently with Joseph Dudley) alongside the shifting age in total numbers and proportion of cases each week. The data are all publicly sourced and verified against the WHO and scientific literature whenever possible and of course FluTrackers excellent case list.


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