Monday, April 28, 2014

Egypt’s MOA Reacts To MERS-Camel Connection


Photo Credit Wikipedia


# 8545


Despite the mounting evidence showing that camels are carriers – and likely one of the vectors – of the MERS coronavirus, the Saudi Government has been slow to warm to the idea (see April 4th  Saudi MOA Spokesman: Camel Link Unproven, MERS-CoV Is MOH Problem  and April 14th Saudi Health Minister denies relation between camels, Mers). 

In neighboring Egypt, which only last week saw their first imported case of MERS from Saudi Arabia, we are seeing a much more proactive reaction (see Egypt Ramps Up MERS Surveillance At Local Ports), that according to a report today in Al Gareda, extends to their Ministry of Agriculture as well.


It appears that the Egyptian MOA plans to take blood samples from, and tighten the control on the importation and movement of,  `beauty’  (camels) throughout the nation.  This comes just a week after local authorities announced the results of an EID Journal study that found  MERS in  Egyptian camels (see Egyptian MOH Statement On MERS Threat).



Agriculture announces a State of emergency to prevent the spread of the «CK» with «Interior and defense»

Posted on Monday, April 28, 2014

The Gazette-the Ministry of agriculture and land reclamation, represented by the General Organization for veterinary services, to declare a State of emergency to A "situation", on Monday, after the Health Ministry announced the first case of "Corona".


It also decided to take precautionary measures and stricter control procedures in coordination with the ministries of Interior and defense, "on the border to prevent smuggling, in particular of the Sudan through" path ", and the use of satellite images to monitor the movement of animals in these areas.


The head of the Central Department of veterinary quarantine in the General Authority for veterinary services, Ministry of agriculture, Dr. Sayed GAD, today signed a protocol with the animal health Research Institute to withdraw samples of beauty from Sudan, Ethiopia and Djibouti, after the discovery of the virus "SK" in beauty, in addition to intensify border controls at the border to prevent smuggling.


GAD also stressed that cooperation with the animal health Research Institute to withdraw samples of beauty of Egypt from Sudan and Ethiopia to detect disease "SK" Rift Valley fever and check on the safety of beauty, and after entering the quarantine in the border areas before reaching the Egyptian markets.


Sayed GAD said that Egypt imported annually 120,000 head of beauty apply each stone and veterinary requirements, both from the country of origin or border, confirmed that it was tightening controls on Halaib and shalatin ports, especially as the main port for beauty, as well as create a quarry in hadrbh area near the Red Sea coast.



Given the recent political fallout in Saudi Arabia (including the removal of a long-serving Minister of Health) over their slow response to the MERS virus – Egypt -  which as seen more than its share of political instability in recent years, appears anxious to get out ahead of the virus.