Thursday, May 08, 2014

Indonesia Steps Up MERS-CoV Response


Source Indonesian Ministry of Health


# 8587


As the most populous Islamic nation in the world, Indonesia sends more religious pilgrims to Umrah and the Hajj than any other country, with more than 220 thousand taking part in 2012.  Despite these numbers, due to a 2013 20% cutback in the number of Hajj visas available to Indonesia, the waiting list to go is now about 12 years.


With Ramadan less than two months away, the number of Indonesian pilgrims headed to, and returning from, the Holy sites in Saudi Arabia is on the rise. 


And with that, we are seeing multiple reports of `suspected’ MERS cases being investigated in Indonesia. While none of these cases have yet been confirmed, the Indonesian Ministry of Health issued a number of statements today regarding testing of pilgrims, and travel advice to the Middle East.


The following comes from the Ministry of Health’s Center for Public Communication  Shehat Negeriku (Healthy Country) website.




Authorities alerted the hospital and officers to work 24-hour surveillance, including officers in Port Health Office in anticipation of the spread of the virus Corona. MERS Case CoV ( Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Corona Virus ) is moderate severity and Indonesia already has experience in the case of SARS and bird flu some time ago. It could be a good capital in the penanagan MERS.

Acting statement said. Director General of Disease Control and Environmental Health Prof. dr. Agus Purwadianto when asked by reporters following the escalation of cases MERS CoV increases worldwide.

According to Prof. Agus, until yesterday (7/5), certainly have not found a single positive case MERS CoV in Indonesia.

Meanwhile, following the escalation of MERS CoV in Saudi Arabia, Ministry of Health appealed to the pilgrims to postpone the departure umra pilgrimage in accordance with a travel advisor of the Government of Saudi Arabia.

"We continue to urge the (delay) to date, while we reviewed the continued development of the corona virus. Therefore, the risk of transmission is still there and we can not guess, "added Prof. Agus.

Added that the most important thing is to encourage this delay is currently no cure for the corona virus.

The second consideration, the risk is currently gathering with many people in Saudi Arabia. Where fear of transmitting the virus to the Indonesian pilgrims.

thus fitting the Umrah and Haj pilgrims, especially elderly to delay departure. At least, until teams of experts from WHO could ascertain the status of his case. Currently the Government is awaiting the results of the team. MoH will follow the provisions of international rules.

"It's not just about the only Umrah pilgrims," ​​said Prof. Agus.

This information is released by Center for Public Communication, Secretariat General of the Ministry of Health. For further information, please contact Hello MOH hotline code> lokal> 500-567; SMS 081281562620, Fax: (021) 52921669, website  and email address .


Another post, on the same site, indicates that the turn-around time for MERS testing is 24-hours.




Head of the Ministry of Health Prof. Balitbangkes. dr. Tjandra Yoga Aditama expressed Agency Health Research and Development Ministry of Health is ready to accept samples for 24 hours to check whether the samples infected Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Corona Virus or MERS-CoV.

"Our laboratory received samples prepared 24 hours. Please be delivered, "he said during a press conference at the Friendship Hospital (7/5). According to Prof. Tjandra, Balitbangkes is awaiting delivery of a sample of Medan and Bali to ensure corona virus or not.

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Another report, this time from Channel News Asia indicates that thermal scanners have been set up at airports,  that health checks are being conducted on all returning pilgrims, and that currently 11 people are being tested for the virus.


Indonesia stepping up measures to prevent MERS

By Devianti Faridz

POSTED: 08 May 2014 19:48

JAKARTA: Amid reports of more potential infections, Indonesia is stepping up measures to prevent the deadly MERS-CoV virus from entering the country.

Thermal scanners have been activated in 13 international airports across the country and pilgrims returning home from the Middle East must undergo health checks.

Pilgrims returning home from umrah must fill in a health alert card before they are inspected on arrival.

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Despite the appeals for the elderly and others with comorbidities to postpone their Hajj or Umrah trip, for many of them, the opportunity to make the pilgrimage may not come around again in their lifetime.  


Meaning that many may choose to risk making the journey, despite falling into one of the `high risk groups’.