Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Mackay: Putting Respiratory Viruses In Perspective


Credit VDU BlogDr Ian Mackay




While wait for the test results from the MERS exposed HCWs in Orlando (and announcement later this morning from the World Health Organization’s IHR Emergency Committee Meeting on MERS), Dr. Ian Mackay has a wonderful `explainer’ on the wide world of respiratory viruses, which include far more `players’  than most people imagine.


Follow the link to read:


Keep calm and call the lab...without it, you know less than you think you do

This morning there are 2 symptomatic healthcare workers (HCWs) in the United States (of America; I'm just going to use the "US" from from here on) who came into contact with the recently diagnosed MERS-CoV positive 44M (age and sex confirmed yet?) imported case.

The news has driven something of a twitter storm in the #MERS channel. Not unexpected I guess. The implication is that these 2 have acquired MERS-CoV from contact with the imported MERS-CoV-positive person. 

But that link is still far from proven yet.

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