# 9277
A week ago, in CDC Ebola Guidance: ER Protocols To Identify, Isolate & Inform, we looked at the recommended procedures for Emergency rooms to follow when evaluating patients for possible EVD (Ebola Virus Disease). Included were an infographic, and a PDF file Algorithm – Identify, Isolate, Inform: Emergency Department Evaluation and Management of Patients with Possible Ebola Virus Disease[PDF - 975 KB].
Given the relatively mild early symptoms of illness, and the proliferation of medical `walk-in clinics’ in this country, it is also possible for an EVD suspect to show up at an ambulatory care facility or a doctor’s office..
While ambulatory settings share many things in common with ER presentations, there are enough differences – particularly in preparing to transport to a hospital - to warrant a separate set of guidance. Hence the publication, yesterday, of the following interim guidance.