Thursday, March 12, 2015

Netherlands: (Probably) Mild Bird Flu In Barneveld


Photo Credit – FAO

# 9815


The Netherlands, which has seen several highly pathogenic H5N8 outbreaks this winter, appears to be dealing with yet another bird flu outbreak – but by outward appearances, this appears to be a mild  H7 subtype.


Testing will have to confirm that, of course, but for now culling of 30,000 hens has been undertaken in the centrally located town of Barneveld.



Probably mild bird flu in Barneveld

News item | 12-03-2015

Barneveld (Gelderland) is a poultry farm with a total of around 30,000 laying hens bird flu (avian influenza, AI) established. This company has outdoor access. Unlike the outbreaks in November last year, it's probably a mild H7 variant. Further analysis by the CVI (Central Veterinary Institute) should reveal this. It is expected that the results of this analysis are available tomorrow. Writes Dijksma Secretary of Economic Affairs in a letter to parliament.

Because a low pathogenic (mild) H7 variant can mutate to a highly pathogenic (highly contagious and deadly for chickens) variant, the infected farm is cleared as soon as possible. This is based on European rules. Depopulation is by the Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA).

Movement ban

From Thursday, March 12th at 14:30 applies in an area of ​​over one kilometer around the infected holding in Barneveld a ban on transporting poultry, eggs, poultry manure and used bedding. Within this area are 17 other poultry farms. These companies are sampled and tested for avian influenza. Also in this area a 1 kilometer ophok- and cover requirement for commercial poultry. The measures apply to three weeks.